Dear Pak Razi,
Biasanya kalau tidak ada peserta orang asing  ya kita tawarkan ke peserta
mau pakai  bahasa Inggris atau Indonesia.  Yang sebelumnya kami memakai
bahasa Indonesia sehingga semua  peserta dapat memahami materinya dengan

Terimakasih atas perhatiannya, kami tunggu partisipasinya.

Hari utomo
Ketua Biro Kursus IAGI

Pada 15 April 2012 19:44, Muhammad Razi <> menulis:

> Pak, kursus nomor 1 berbahasa inggris atau indonesia?
> salam
> Razi - 2708
> On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 7:29 AM, Biro Kursus IAGI 
> <>wrote:
>>  Dear Colleagues,****
>>  ****
>> Biro Kursus IAGI (Indonesian Association of Geologists) plan to arrange
>> three workshops.****
>> The Workshops will be held at  “*Hilton Hotel, Bandung”,* Indonesia.****
>>  ****
>> *1.**    **“Carbonate Sedimentology and Diagenesis: Their Impact on
>> Reservoir Quality and Distribution” by NgakanAlit Ascaria, Phd.*****
>> Duration          : 4 days*****
>> Date                : 1st – 4th May 2012****
>> Workshop Fee  : IDR 19,800,000 / participant (IAGI Member); IDR
>> 20,300,000 / participant (Non Member)****
>>                                 (* including one day field trip)****
>> *2.**     **“Geodesy and Hydrography for Oil and Gas Industry” by Prof.
>> Dr. Joenil Kahar and Partner*****
>> Duration          : 5 days****
>> Date                : 30th  April – 4th May 2012****
>> Workshop Fee   : IDR 19,250,000 / participant (IAGI Member); IDR
>> 19,750,000 / participant (Non Member)****
>> *3.**    **“Hydrogeology: Managing Environmental Disaster in  Mining,
>> Oil & Gas Industry” by Prof. Ir. Lambok Hutasoit, Ph.D. and Prof. Ir.
>> Sudarto Notosiswoyo, Ph.D.*****
>> Duration          : 5 days****
>> Date                : 30th  April – 4th May 2012****
>> Workshop Fee  : IDR 17,750,000 / participant (IAGI Member); IDR
>> 18,250,000 / participant (Non Member)****
>>  ****
>> *Investment Fee:*****
>> The Investment Fee includes meals (2x coffee break and lunch), training
>> kits, training materials, group photograph, and certificate (excluded
>> accommodation and tax). In order to allow sufficient time for arranging
>> travel and processing document, participants are recommended to make an
>> early enrollment. Unless prior arrangements are made with IAGI, payment may
>> be required well 14 days in advance of the workshop date to guarantee your
>> seat.****
>>  ****
>> *Registration will be closed on April 23, 2012. Late enrollment may
>> result in workshop cancellation.*****
>>  ****
>> Paying by bank transfer (copy attached):****
>> Transfer to : Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia****
>> Account number : 123 008 5005 314 ( Bank Mandiri KCU Wisma Alia, Jakarta )
>> ****
>> Send the registration form and copy of bank transfer to email:
>> or FAX: +62-21-83702577****
>>  ****
>> For further information regarding IAGI Workshops 2012****
>> Please do not hesitate to contact: Biro Kursus IAGI****
>> Hilda : +62-856-907-2007****
>> (e-mail:****
>>  ****
>> *Register yourself today!*****
>>  ****
>> IAGI Secretariat****
>> Gedung Mineral dan Batubara 6th floor****
>> Jln. Prof. Dr. Soepomo, SH. No. 10, Jakarta Selatan 12870****
>> Visit our website: or ****
>> Phone/FAX: +62-21-83702848 / +62-21-83702577****
>>  ****
>> *Cancellation, Substitution & Non Attendance Policy:*****
>> Tuition fees are transferable but not refundable. Notification is
>> required to substitute another participant, no later than 5 working days
>> prior to the program, should the nominated person be unable to attend. Late
>> cancellation sometimes causes events to be abandoned. Non attendance
>> participant will be full charged as all preparations will have been done.
>> ****
>>  ****
>>  ****
>> Best Regards,****
>> Biro Kursus IAGI****
>> Hari Utomo : +62-8156-200-197 ****

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