Daftar 2 orang mas, nama menyusul


On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Biro Kursus IAGI <birokur...@iagi.or.id>wrote:

>          Dear IAGI Members,****
> ** **
> We would like to invite you for IAGI Luncheon Talk as the details below:**
> **
> *Venue :           CANDI KALASAN 1&2, 2nd Floor, GRAND SAHID JAYA HOTEL***
> **
> *                        Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 86, Jakarta *****
> *Date    :           Tuesday, 29th May 2012*****
> *Time    :           11.30 AM – 14.00 PM *****
>                        “Structural-stratigraphic relationships at the
> boundaries of the Lolotoi metamorphic complex in Timor-Leste, and
> implications for the Mutis Complex in Timor Barat, NTT”
> SPEAKER:   TIM CHARLTON (Consultant Regional Geologist)*
> *Entry Fee*: Rp.250,000,00 (IAGI Member) or Rp.300,000,00 (Non IAGI
> Member) ****
> * *
> *Reservation and cancellations: *****
> Sutarjo: sekretar...@iagi.or.id / birokur...@iagi.or.id  or Telp.
> +62-8111-62476 or +62-21-83702848****
> (accepted at the latest 15:30 hours, Monday 28th May 2012)****
> ** **
> Attached flyer of this luncheon talk.****
> ** **
> Regards,****
> Biro Kursus IAGI****
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> PP-IAGI 2011-2014:
> Ketua Umum: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari, rovicky[at]gmail.com
> Sekjen: Senoaji, ajiseno[at]ymail.com
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jangan lupa PIT IAGI 2012 di Jogjakarta tanggal 17-20 September 2012.
> Kirim abstrak ke email: pit.iagi.2012[at]gmail.com. Batas akhir
> pengiriman abstrak 28 Februari 2012.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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