Agak prihatin juga ya dg kawan2 di luar yang sering hanya terkaget-kaget dg 
berita dan kehebatan dunia luar tapi kurang mau mencoba sedikit browsing ttg 
negaranya sendiri. Kalau urusan kiprah Indonesia di UNCLOS dan bagaimana 
Indonesia memperjuangkan negara kepulauannya sebenarnya sdh banyak berita dan 
dokumentasinya. Coba saja browse internet. Bahkan bbrp th lalu, Indonesia juga 
berhasil menambah luas wilayah negara kepulauannya (di bagian barat laut 
Sumatra) dengan usaha riset - survei dan diplomasi landas Kontinen yg salah 
satu pelopornya adalah kawan2 geosaintist di BPPT dan LIPI. Dan tidak harus 
geosaintist Pertamina yg berperan spt halnya di Petronas yg baru2 saja orang2 
perminyakannya ikut campur dlm urusan batas negara di laut ini (karena sebagian 
besar wilayah konsesi migas negara mrk di laut). Tapi geosaintis2 dr lembaga2 
riset pemerintahlah yg justrui selama ini saya lihat bergerak aktif di urusan 
UNCLOS ini. Pada jaman kepengurusan IAGI 2000-2005 dulu kami juga aktif ikut 
ambil bagian dlm persiapan2 klaim batas negara yg dipelopori oleh Dewan Maritim 
Nasional dg komponen anggota ekspert utamanya ya dr BPPT dan LIPI tadi itu.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Habash Semimbar <>
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2012 08:23:54 
To: <>
Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] FW: AAPG - Asia Pacific; PETRONAS - PERTAMINA

Mas Herman, mungkin visi kita belum sejauh itu. Yang difikirkan masih
kedalam semua.

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 2:55 PM, <> wrote:

>  Rekan-rekan,****
> ** **
> Saya dapat berita bahwa Mazlan Madon dari Petronas dipilih untuk menjadi
> anggota “United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea”. Dari berita di
> bawah ini saya punya pertanyaan:****
> **-          **Apakah Indonesia tidak diwakili? Bukannya Indonesia Negara
> kepulauan terbesar di dunia?****
> **-          **Posisi Mazlan: Chief Geoscientist, the highest technical
> position in PETRONAS. Siapakah pantaran Mazlan di PERTAMINA?****
> **-          **Posisi Mazlan: Head for Research Geology in PETRONAS’
> Geoscience Skills Group Committee: Apakah PERTAMINA juga punya posisi
> serupa? Siapakah orangnya?****
> Mungkin ada yang bisa kasih informasi.****
> ** **
> Salam,****
> ** **
> Herman Darman****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* []
> *On Behalf Of *AAPG - Asia Pacific Region
> *Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2012 2:25 AM
> *To:* Darman, Herman SIEP-UIX/C/C
> *Subject:* AAPG - Asia Pacific****
> ** **
>    AAPG - Asia Pacific <>
> [image: Image removed by 
> sender.]<>
> ****
>  ------------------------------
> *AAPG Alternate House of Delegates Member elected to serve on United
> Nations Convention on the Law of the 
> Sea*<>
> ****
> Posted: 30 Jun 2012 05:04 AM PDT****
> Dr. Mazlan Madon, our AAPG Alternate House of Delegates Member for
> Malaysia, and Malaysia’s candidate to the Commission on the Limits of the
> Continental Shelf was successfully elected to serve as a member of the
> Commission for a five-year term of 2012-2017, during the 22nd Meeting of
> the States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
> (UNCLOS) on 6 June 2012 in New York.  Apart from Malaysia, candidates from
> China, Japan, Republic of Korea, India, Ghana, Nigeria, Mozambique, Kenya,
> Cameroon, Russian Federation, Georgia, Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago,
> Argentina, Mexico, Canada, Denmark and France were successfully elected to
> the Commission.****
> Malaysia’s candidate has been a member of the Commission since 1997.  Dr.
> Mazlan Madon succeeds Dato’ Dr. Ir. Abu Bakar Jaafar who was a member of
> the Commission from 1997 to 2012. CLCS facilitates the implementation of
> UNCLOS in respect of the establishment of the outer limits of the
> continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines. Under the
> Convention, the coastal State shall establish the outer limits of its
> continental shelf where it extends beyond 200 nautical miles on the basis
> of the recommendation of the Commission.****
> Dr. Mazlan Madon currently holds the position of Chief Geoscientist, the
> highest technical position in PETRONAS. He also serves as Head for Research
> Geology in PETRONAS’ Geoscience Skills Group Committee, which oversees and
> advises on matters related to geoscience skills development and career
> progression for geoscientists in the company. Dr. Mazlan Madon holds a Ph.D
> in Earth Sciences from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom.****
> [image: Image removed by sender.]****
> ** **
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> Region<>
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> Google Inc., 20 West Kinzie, Chicago IL USA 60610****
> ** **



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