Abah, semoga rekan2 IAGI banyak yang kuat iman, dan mau bekerja sungguh2 untuk 
Maka coba bentuk organisasi usaha dari IAGI, promosikan ke pengelola keuangan. 
Setau saya ada kok perusahaan bentukan alumni geologi angkatan 76 yang sekarang 
bersih. Setelah bersih kerjaan makin banyak.
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-----Original Message-----
From: "Yanto R. Sumantri" <yrs_...@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 23:34:57 
To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id<iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
Reply-To: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] PETROLEUM FUND --> Dokumen Kontrak PSC dan Kontrak 
Karya dinyatakan terbuka u/publik!!
Rekan rekan sekalian

Saya sangat sependapat bahwa petroleum fund akan dapat dipakai sebagai biaya 
untuk melakukan pematangan data pada daerah "frontier".

Akan tetapi dalam situasi saat ini dimana , korupsi merajalela disetiap level 
birokasi ,rasanya sangat sulit untuk "menitipkan" dana sebesar itu tanpa ada 
kemungkinan dikorupsi.

Apakah akan ada institusi yang cukup tebal imannya , sehingga dana itu benar 
benar dimanfaatkan sesuai dengan tujuan ?
Maaf kalau pendapat saya ini menyinggung beberapa fihak.


si Abah

 From: Bambang P. Istadi <basi ambang.ist...@energi-mp.com>
To: "iagi-net@iagi.or.id" <iagi-net@iagi.or.id> 
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 4:56 PM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] PETROLEUM FUND --> Dokumen Kontrak PSC dan Kontrak 
Karya dinyatakan terbuka u/publik!!
Rekan2 sekalian, berikut adalah tulisan pak Eddy Purwanto, mantan Deputi 
Keuangan dan Deputi Operasi BPMIGAS dengan judul So What's the Fuss about 
Petroleum Fund yang kami muat di newsletter SPE Java Section.

Energy security is a key government priority, or is it?

Indonesia faces many threats.  Two serious ones are collapse of a main pillar 
of the state budget, namely oil and gas revenue, and loss of energy security.

Our nation relies heavily on revenue from oil and gas.  Yet oil production, 
needed to sustain economic growth and to maintain energy security, in declining 
and continues to fall below target.   On the other hand, Government spending is 
rising.  This is alarming!  If this trend continues, we may fall over the brink 
and become a "failed" State!

Indonesia's remaining proven oil reserves as of 2012 are 3.9 billion barrels.  
Its reserves replacement ratio in the last five years has been below 1, so 
newly discovered reserves are not able to offset oil production.  So we can 
expect oil production to continue to decline.

Exploration does not resonate because Indonesia's investment climate is 
considered less attractive that its competitors.  This is why we lack quality 
geophysical and meaningful geological data, especially in Eastern Indonesia and 
frontier regions, where the future of Indonesian oil and gas might lie.

Efforts are needed to avoid the threat and to reverse the declining oil 
production trend.  We need exploration success stories.  Our government needs 
to find a better way to lure investment to explore our unexplored basins, which 
are high risk due to limited data.  The government needs to improve the fiscal 
conditions and to better facilitate oil and gas investors in the form of the 
provision of complete data to promote exploration.

So how to mitigate this situation?

First, change our paradigm.

The 1945 Constitution mandates that benefit from extraction of natural 
resources is to be used for the greater good of the people. "People" as 
referred by the founders of the republic includes not only the present 
generation but also future generations.  All have the right to natural 
resources, especially non-renewable natural resources . Each generation bears 
the responsibility to extend the benefits of natural wealth so that the next 
generation can also enjoy its rights.

Since the New Order, the Government and Parliament has spent oil and gas 
revenue through the State Budget Act.  This is unconstitutional, because it 
erodes the nation's wealth of non-renewable natural resources, especially oil 
and gas.  Oil and gas proceeds should not be categorized as "revenue" in the 
Nation's state budget, because these resources are permanently reduced.

It is hard for the Government.  If oil and gas revenues were not treated as 
income, the deficit would swell and suffocate Indonesia.  Look at 2012.  Even 
with expected State oil and gas revenue of Rp 156 trillion, the budget deficit 
is still huge.  This has forced the Government to seek an additional Rp 124 
trillion of funds through foreign loans, privatization, debt issuance and 
others.  If oil and gas revenue were taken out from the state budget, the 
deficit would swell to Rp 280 trillion!

Never-the-less, we need to ensure resource sustainability to benefit our 
children and grandchildren.  We need to consider oil and gas income to be a 
transfer of physical resources to money resources.  A portion of oil and gas 
income should go into a "Petroleum Fund".  The Petroleum Fund, would be managed 
by an independent agency and supervised by the Board of Trustees whose members 
may consist of the Minister of Finance, ESDM Minister and Head of BP Migas.  It 
would be used to finance an "Oil and Gas Investment Center" (PIM).

The PIM would have the task to manage and grow oil and gas revenue through safe 
investment portfolios so that real-value is always maintained and continues to 
grow as a national oil and gas endowment fund.  The PIM would manage data 
collection, conduct regional surveys of general geology and geophysics, seismic 
surveys and processing, as well as wild cat drilling particularly in the 
frontier region of East Indonesia to attract domestic and foreign investors.  
The Center would also be required to co-finance the advancement of human 
resources capabilities to create an oil and gas talent pool and to conduct 
research on upstream oil and gas, to support projects at home and abroad.

Profit generated from Petroleum Fund investments could then be categorized as 
"revenue" in the State budget.

Seed funding for the "Petroleum Fund" could come from a percentage of 
government take, and signature and production bonuses in the amount set by and 
endorsed by the Parliament through the Budget Act and supported by the Oil and 
Gas Act.

Ideally the Petroleum Fund would have been established previously when 
Indonesia enjoyed a state budget surplus.  But this era has passed.  The 
Indonesian state budget is in deficit, and so policy makers might be reluctant 
to add to the deficit for the Petroleum Fund, even though the potential 
benefits are enormous.  However, it is necessary to understand that the 
additional deficit is needed now in order to promote a surplus state budget and 
the sustainability of oil and gas resources.

Another obstacle is that Indonesia does not have the legal basis to form a 
Petroleum Fund. However, now is a good time to propose it, as the Oil and Gas 
Law revision is being discussed.

The decline in oil and gas reserves and production can be reversed through more 
complete quality data and understanding of the subsurface risks and potential, 
especially in eastern Indonesia, frontier and border regions that may become 
the future of Indonesian oil and gas.

An improvement in the investment climate to boost oil and gas exploration and 
exploitation activities is also needed.

By way of SPE Indonesia, Java Section, I voice my opinion that now is the time 
for concerned Stakeholders to work together to materialize the Petroleum Fund.  
I believe this would lead to more oil and gas investment to ensure the 
sustainability of our natural resources to benefit present and future 

-----Original Message-----
From: lia...@indo.net.id [mailto:lia...@indo.net.id]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 2:29 PM
To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] PETROLEUM FUND --> Dokumen Kontrak PSC dan Kontrak 
Karya dinyatakan terbuka u/publik!!

Kalau di Migas dan Mining baru wacana untuk menyediakan dana , di Geothermal 
malah sudah tersedia dananya ( Dana Geothermal yg tujuannya untuk pengembangan 
geothermal khususnya untuk mengurangi resiko ekplorasi/ meningkatkan data 
ekplorasi ) kalau nggak salah yg besarnya lebih dari 200 Juta Dollar. Dana ini 
dikelola oleh Pusat Investasi Pemerintah (PIP)  Departemen Keuangan, yang 
penggunaanya diatur melalui Peraturan Menteri Keuangan  tentang tatacara 
pengelolaan fasilitas Dana Geothermal , Dana ini dapat diberikan kepada 
Pemerintah Daerah untuk penyiapan data ekplorasi dalam rangka lelang wilayah 
Kerja , atau Pemegang IUP / Kuasa Pengusahaan Geothermal


> Btw, kalau ada Petroleum Fund (PF) lantas siapa pengelola Petroleum
> fund ini ?
> Ataukah ini masuk dalam APBN trus pembelanjaannya sebagai bagian dari
> eksplorasi (ESDM/BPMIGAS?)
> Kalau ingin dilebarkan lagi, semestinya juga ada Mining Fund juga kah
> ?
> 2012/7/31 <lia...@indo.net.id>
>> Spt di Kompas hari ini tsb Pak Wamen juga setuju dg adanya dana
>> migas ini , mungkin terinspirasi dg Norway yg juga sudah
>> mengalokasikan dana migas dari penghasilan migasnya sbg petroleum
>> fund .Wacana petroleum fund ini muncul dalam rangka merekontruksi
>> lagi UU Migas 2001 ( Revisi UU Migas ) spt berita di Kompas hari ini
>> tsb , kira kira teknis pelaksanaanya / pengelolaannya gimana ya , apa
>> petroleum fund tsb dianggarkan untuk penelitian penelitian (
>> ekplorasI ) oleh Intitusi pemerintah ( spt BG , Lemigas ) atau bisa
>> dibentuk institusi baru ( semacam BUMN khusus )atau dalam bentuk
>> grant riset ke PT/Universitas , yang tidak kalah pentingnya adalah
>> mengenai aturan keterbukaan datanya karena data ini diperoleh dari
>> anggaran Negara langsung ( spt diatur dalam UU KIP), bukan
>> anggarannya kontraktor, oleh karena itu alokasi dananya , mekanisme
>> pengelolaannya serta sifat datanya ( keterbukaan datanya ) harus
>> diatur  secara terintregasi yang dapat diakses oleh semua stake
>> holder mumpung akan dibuat aturan baru ( revisi UU migas ).
>> Ism
>> > Bicara soal data, koran hari ini bicara soal Petroleum Fund, dalam
>> > hal ini anggota komisi VII DPR, Satya W Yudha berpendapat sebaiknya
>> > penerimaan APBN hasil migas sebesar 10% disisihkan untuk petroleum
>> > fund. Pendapatan negara dari sektor migas saat ini sebesar Rp.275
>> > triliun. Sementara Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) dari sumber
>> > daya alam migas sebesar Rp. 68,7 triliun atau 34,7% dari target
>> > APBN-P
>> > 2012 yang sebesar 198,3 triliun. Petroleum fund dapat dipergunakan
>> > untuk pengumpulan data hasil eksplorasi migas dalam menentukan data
>> > cadangan migas yang akurat.  Dengan adanya data-data yang kuat maka
>> > dapat mempermudah menarik investor migas ke Indonesia. Saat ini
>> > Indonesia masih minim data mengenai data seismik Indonesia
>> > khususnya di Indonesia Timur. Pengumpulan data hasil eksplorasi
>> > migas juga dapat dipergunakan untuk menambah data mengenai cadangan
>> > migas
>> > 10
>> > hingga 20 tahun ke depan sebagai usaha dalam menjaga stabilitas
>> > migas di masa mendatang.
>> > Pingin tahu Lebih jauh soal petroleum fund? Silahkan baca
>> > newsletter SPE Java Section yang terbaru, terbit bulan Juli ini.
>> > Salam,
>> > Bambang
>> >
>> >
>> > On Jul 31, 2012, at 8:41 AM,
>> > "abacht...@cbn.net.id<mailto:abacht...@cbn.net.id>"
>> > <abacht...@cbn.net.id<mailto:abacht...@cbn.net.id>>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > Dokumen Kontrak Karya Freeport, KPC, Newmont dan Kontrak Bagi Hasil
>> > Chevron yg selama ini dianggap "sakral"
>> > akhirnya
>> > dinyatakan sbg dokumen terbuka untuk publik!!
>> > Sesuai dg semangat UU Keterbukaan Informasi Publik, Komisi
>> > Informasi Republik Indonesia pd hari Rabu 25Juli 2012 yg lalu
>> > memutuskan mengabulkan gugatan
>> > 197/VI/KIP-PS-M-A/2011
>> > antara Pemohon, Yayasan Pusat Pengembangan Informasi Publik
>> > (YP2IP) dengan Termohon, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral
>> > Republik Indonesia yg meminta dokumen Kontrak Karya Freeport, KPC,
>> > dan Newmont dan Kontrak Bagi Hasil Chevron Indonesia dibuka untuk
>> > publik!!!
>> > Selanjutnya: dokumen2 data teknis migas yg sdh 4th (raw), 6th
>> > (processed), 8th (interpreted) sejak diakuisisi harusnya juga
>> > dinyatakan terbuka sesuai dg UU Migas dan UU KIP tsb, spy usaha2
>> > eksplorasi kita bisa makin maju!! Ayo IAGI-HAGI bikin surat
>> > permohonan pengajuan ke Komisi Informasi!!!!
>> > ADB
>> > IAGI-800
>> > Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry(r)
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PP-IAGI 2011-2014:
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Jangan lupa PIT IAGI 2012 di Jogjakarta tanggal 17-20 September 2012.
Kirim abstrak ke email: pit.iagi.2012[at]gmail.com. Batas akhir pengiriman 
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