Mas Vick,
Mas Sandrya ini ex Total ya? Kayaknya kenal, tp via email/FB/Linkend :)

Oh ya, sekalian saya nambahin woro2, kemaren ada agent dari HK yang telp.
Berikut woro2 setelah sesi telp tsb. Barangkali ada yang tertarik, langsung
saja japri dengan ybs.


Hi Adi, Thank you for your time on the telephone Adi, it was a pleasure
speaking with you. I manage a team of recruiters that work on behalf of
Major International Operators, Mid-sized operators, national operators,
consultancies and service companies to find geoscience staff and
contractors. I myself specifically recruit Geologists/ Geomodelers for
development and explorations teams but here is a list of some of the
current roles we have available; 2 x Senior Exploration Geologist (10yrs
exp) – 2 x Development geologist (6-10yrs exp)3 x Development Geologist
(12-15+ yrs exp)2 x Senior Geomodeler (10-15yrs+ exp)2 x Reservoir Engineer
(8+ yrs)1 x Senior Reservoir Engineer (12+ yrs)1 x Subsurface Team leader
(10+ yrs)1 x Exploration Manager (15-20+ yrs)2 x Petrophysicist (6-10 yrs
exp)1 x Formation Evaluation Specialist (8 yrs exp)2 x QI geophysicist1 x
Geophysicist (Applications Specialist) (8yrs exp)2 x Senior Geophysicist
(15+ yrs exp)  Please pass my details to any good people who may be
interested in new opportunities and thank you for again for your time on
the telephone. Best regards,
Lee Grantham Head of Geoscience Oil Select
Headquarters                                                Tel.       +852
8199 9367 (office)                      189 GF  Eastern
Plaza                                  Mob.   +62 812 37 884887111 Chai Wan
Road                                                                Hong
Kong SAR Email


2012/11/1 Rovicky Dwi Putrohari <>

> Monggo ini ada info dari sahabat yg lama tak berjumpa, taunya sudah di
> Libya.
> Rdp
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Sandrya Laksana*
> Date: Thursday, November 1, 2012
> Subject: Apa kabar
> To: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari <>
>  Assalamualikum Mas Vicky....
> Semoga sehat walafiat selalu...  mau nyuwun bantuan mas...
> Siapa tahu mas Vicky ada kenal teman2 kita yg berminat ke Libya, utk
> gabung Repsol, saya lampirkan offer nya..
> Makasih banyak mas... atas bantuannya...
> Suwun, Wassalam,
> --
> *Sandrya Laksana*
> *Mobile Madrid +34 659 679 
> 691<>
> **Mobile Tripoli +218 91 323 
> 3180<>
> email:*
> --
> *"Sejarah itu tidak pernah usang untuk terus dipelajari"*
> --
> Keluar dari milis: kirim email ke
> Situs web alumni:

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