Dear IAGI Members,
Biro Kursus IAGI (Indonesian Association of Geologists) has arranged a workshop in April 2013. Workshop will be held at The Trans Luxury Hotel,Bandung, Indonesia. *HYDROGEOLOGY: MANAGING ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER IN MINING, OIL & GAS INDUSTRY * April 25th - 26th, 2013 The Trans Luxury HOTEL BANDUNG- INDONESIA Instructor : *Prof. Ir. LAMBOK HUTASOIT, Ph.D.* *Prof. Dr. Ir. Sudarto Notosiswoyo M.Eng. * Duration : 2 Days Workshop Workshop Level : Intermediate *About The Workshop :* The management of hydrogeology may be defined as the application of hydrogeological principles to environmental protection, mainly to groundwater and soil contaminations, and community water supply protection. The mining and petroleum industries have potential to contaminate groundwater and soil through their activities such as waste processing, produced water discharging, and dewatering. This course is aimed at understanding of hydrogeological principles that can be used to prevent the environment and will cover the essential of hydrogeological principles such as Darcy's law, exploration hydrogeological methods, groundwater flow direction, groundwater chemistry and contamination, groundwater monitoring programs, and introduction to groundwater modeling. The Government of Indonesia's (GoI) regulation related to groundwater protection will also be discussed in this course, together with some case studies in mining and petroleum industries related to groundwater contamination. The participants will actively be involved by doing some exercises. * * *You Will Learn :* Day 1: Hydrogeological principles Exploration hydrogeological methods Groundwater chemistry and contamination, Groundwater flow direction, Regulation of Government of Indonesia related to groundwater protection Day 2: Groundwater protection program Introduction to groundwater modeling Application of groundwater protection and monitoring programs Case studies in mining and petroleum industries related to groundwater contamination Exercises. *Who Should Attend :* Geologist, Geophysicist, Mining Engineer, HSE Manager, Exploration Manager and Production Manager and other personnel who work in mining, oil and gas industry *Investment Fee:* Before Course : IDR. 13.250.000 / participant, After Course : IDR. 13.750.000 / participant (Excluded accommodation and tax) The workshop fee includes meals (2x coffee break and lunch), training kits, training materials, group photograph, and certificate. In order to allow sufficient time for arranging travel and processing document, participants are recommended to make an early enrollment. *About Instructor :* *Prof. Ir. Lambok Hutasoit, Ph.D* holds degree from the University of Illinois, USA. H is a professor of hydrogeology at the Department of Geology, ITB. He has a long experience in dealing with groundwater protection program in mining and petroleum industries such as at Caltex, Santos, ConocoPhillips, Adaro, and Newmont. He is a member of board of expert of the Ministry of Environment of GoI (KLH). Currently, he is the President of Indonesian Association *Prof. Dr. Ir. Sudarto Notosiswoyo M.Eng. holds *degree from the Aachen University, Germany. He is a professor of hydrogeology at the Department of Mining Engineering, ITB. He is an AMDAL evaluator, and also a member of board of expert of the KLH. *Register now.* *Registration will be closed on 22 th April , 2013. Late enrollment may result in workshop cancellation* For further information regarding IAGI Workshop 2013 : Please do not hesitate to contact : Biro Kursus IAGI : 62 8156 200 197 (email Best Regards, Hari Utomo Ketua Biro Kursus IAGI