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From: iagi-net@iagi.or.id [mailto:iagi-net@iagi.or.id] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 2:56 PM
To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
Subject: [iagi-net] BS#29, SE Asia Biostratigraphy

Kami masih mempersiapkan BS#27 dengan topik Sumatra. BS#28 akan diterbitkan 
akhir tahun ini. Sementara itu Han van Gorsel akan membantu kami untuk 
mempersiapkan satu edisi khusus mengenai Biostratigraphy SE Asia. Mudah-mudahan 
banyak kontribusi dari kawan-kawan di Indonesia. Detailnya bisa di lihat di 
bawah ini.
From: J.T. (Han) VAN GORSEL 
Date: Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 5:57 AM
Subject: Call for papers on Indonesia/ SE Asia Biostratigraphy
Cc: herman.dar...@shell.com<mailto:herman.dar...@shell.com>, Minarwan 
To: Friends of Indonesia/ SE Asia Biostratigraphy


The online journal Berita Sedimentologi  plans to publish a special theme issue 
BS29 in the first quarter of 2014 on 'Biostratigraphy of Indonesia/ Southeast 
Asia'. I am working with Chief Editors Herman Darman and Minarwan to 
co-ordinate this issue.  There have not been any books or journals dedicated to 
the biostratigraphy of Indonesia/ SE Asia since 1931**! With your help this 
volume could become a classic that will be consulted for a long time.

We would like to invite you to contribute to this publication. Many of you 
probably have some half-completed reports in a drawer on material that is 
interesting and worth sharing.  Here is a chance to get it published without 
much hassle.  There are no size limits, so if you have a story with lots of 
pretty pictures, no problem!   Target date for publication is around March 
2014, so if you can aim to have something ready for review by the end of this 
year there should be plenty of time to get your contribution done!  Please let 
me know asap if you have plans to contribute.

Personally I would like to see a mix of papers on:
(1) Methods: papers documenting ranges of index species of all commonly used 
fossil groups (perhaps one or more collaborative papers with range charts, 
stratigraphic charts, correlation tables?; The charts in Peter Lunt's (2013) 
Java Book would be a great start for Cenozoic forams/ nannofossils; It would 
also be nice to see some 'state-of-the art' papers on Mesozoic and Cenozoic 
palynology, macrofossils, radiolaria, etc., and on Biofacies distributions and 
paleobathymetry/ paleogeography interpretation tools).
(2) Case histories. As you all know, good age control is essential to 
understanding of all geology.  Even 'simple' papers like 'Biostratigraphy of 
the xyz limestone in East Kalimantan' or documentation of ages of rocks above 
and below unconformities can be critical constraints on the geological 
evolution of regions.

Please note:
* This email is intended for all biostratigraphers working in the region, but 
since I do not have contact information for all of them, please help and 
forward this to your biostrat colleagues that are not on the current 
distribution list.

* Although we would prefer original manuscripts, updated versions of 
significant papers published elsewhere are also welcome.

* Although I expect the bulk of the papers to be from Indonesia, contributions 
on surrounding SE Asia countries, Papua New Guinea and Australia NW Shelf will 
be welcome, too.

* Those of you not familiar with the journal see: 

** B.G. Escher et al. (eds.) (1931)- De palaeontologie en stratigraphie van 
Nederlandsch Oost-Indie, Leidsche Geologische Mededelingen. 5, p. 1-648. ('The 
paleontology and stratigraphy of the Netherlands East Indies'; Professor K. 
Martin memorial volume)

Thank you for your consideration,

Han van Gorsel

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