Blessed or cursed?



21.08.13, 11:05 / World


Laura Lartigue  Enlarge 

Young diamond miner

A new kimberlite pipe containing rough diamonds has been discovered in the West 
African nation of Liberia, Mining Weekly reports. The pipe was found in a 
cratonic area deep in the jungle of Liberia's Camp Alpha region of Cape Mount 
County by the Youssef Diamond Mining Company and its chief executive officer, 
geologist Steve Haggerty.
Youssef's next step will be to build a plant which will allow the diamond 
company to evaluate whether it would be financially profitable to develop the 
438-meter long and up to 45-meter wide resource into a full-fledged diamond 
Although only one out of every hundred kimberlite pipes turn out to be worthy 
of investment, the one Youssef has discovered in Liberia has something going 
for it: it is upstream from an area that has been harvested by artisanal 
alluvial diamond miners for the last seventy years, according to Mining Weekly.

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