bukannya sudah dilakukan kemarin....

SKK Migas workers express disappointment over Rudi
Source: Petromindo.Com
By Godang Sitompul
Editing by Johannes Simbolon
            The employees of upstream authority SKK Migas have issued
a statement expressing disappointment over the conduct of the agency’s
now suspended chairman, Rudi Rubiandini, who has been arrested by the
Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on charges of accepting bribes
amounting to US$700,000.
            “We, the employees of SKK Migas, feel deeply disappointed
over his conduct as a betrayal of mandate given by the nation and the
public,” the SKK Migas employees who are grouped in the so-called
Forum of XBPMIGAS Big family said in the statement dated Aug. 21,
            In the statement, the SKK Migas employees promised to
fully support SKK Migas in continuing its task of managing the
country’s oil and gas upstream sector; stand on the front in taking
corrective measures against the agency’s leaders in case they commit
corrupt, collusive and nepotistic practices; fully support the legal
process against Rudi as long as it is carried out in accordance with
justice principles.
            They called on the House of Representatives and the
government to speed up the amendment process of the oil and gas law.
            They called on the SKK Migas leaders to have “zero
tolerance” attitude towards corrupt, collusive and nepotistic

On 8/22/13, abacht...@cbn.net.id <abacht...@cbn.net.id> wrote:
> "menyelamatkan yg masih ada"
> kalau saja anak2 muda dan kebanyakan yg masih bersih di lembaga itu: mrk
> semua kumpul dan bikin prnyataan sikap 3 arah:
> - arah pertama ke bos2 mrk spy brhnti dg permainan itu smua atau mundur sama
> sekali dr jabatannya,
> - yg kedua ke pemerintah spy benahi - tata ulang organisasi & bersihkan
> pejabat2 kotor yg terindikasi,
> - dan yg ke3 ke masyarakat spy jgn hanya menghujat tp apresiasi juga dan
> ikut kontribusi pecahkan masalah,
> - PLUS dg bumbu2 mogok kerja 1-2 hari saja ....
> masak sih para pemimpin ga akan tergerak hatinya u/berubah -  u/berani sama2
> melawan mafia!???
> masih banyak dr mrk trutama yg muda2 itu - kerjanya lurus, lempeng,
> professional, gak main2 spt bbrp pejabat tingginya;
> masih banyak dr mrk yg dr awal niatannya memang tulus, idealis mau ngabdi
> bantu negara;
> masih banyak dr mrk yg ga tau apa2 dan mmg ga mau tau urusan2 politik bisnis
> intrik di dlm & sekitar lembaganya
> skrg mrk jadi terimbas situasi krn lembaganya dihujat di-mana2 krn ulah
> oknum petinggi2nya,
> sy yakin: mrk pasti gak tenang kerja dan lama2 mikir juga mau hengkang ke
> mana2
> bayangkan saja belum genap 10 bln mrk sdh diterpa 2 "bencana" ..
> yg pertama nov 2012 bpmigas dibubarkan MK, yg ke2 aug 2013 pimpinan mrk
> digiring KPK
> yg saya kuatirkan: mental mrk terus menerus terdera shg mrk putuskan
> u/hengkang saja
> lalu kita kehilangan banyak investasi sumber daya manusia migas unggul yg
> sdh ada di sana
> mari, selamatkan yg masih ada; biar saja yg melenceng2 di atas diselidiki
> tuntas sampai akhirnya
> tp semangat2 dan keahlian yg masih ada di bawah2nya harus trus dijaga
> dan kalau perlu, ya itu tadi: spt yg saya ungkapkan di awal2nya: bikin
> petisi dan aksi spy menggema
> dan semuanya jadi tahu bhw kita masih punya harapan di sana...
> adb, geologist merdeka
> 22 aug 2013
> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
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