Dear IAGI Member,

Biro Kursus IAGI (Indonesian Association of Geologists) has arranged a
workshop in September  2013.  Workshop will be held at Hotel Grand Hyatt,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

*“Operations Geology: Applied Concepts on Exploration Wells”*

September 9th-11st, 2013

Hotel Grand Hyatt
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Instructor                            : Made D. Sulitra

Duration                              : 3 Days Workshop

Workshop Level                : Basic – Intermediate

*About The Workshop :*

In a typical Exploration Campaign, Exploration Geologists identify and
assess the location, quantity and quality of HC reserves; ascertain
extraction risks analysis; prepare reports and maps; analyze geological
data using multi skills applications;  and advise  technical  and
engineering team up to  upper  managerial  level,  based on  technical
recommendation.  In addition to these responsibilities,  Operations
Geologists also requires the ability to communicate adequately  as an
integral part of the team, along with  Drilling Engineer and Operations to
drill exploration well in a safer, efficient, and successful manner,
aligned with its exploration goal.

At the end of the integrated course participants will be able to:

·     Understand the fundamentals of Applicable Geology

·     Contribute to the preparation of exploration wells and their
respective operations

·     Gain a deeper insight of  pore pressure prediction to be used for
the well planning,  drilling hazards and risks derived from offset
geological data, along with application and benefit of well-site data in
exploration wells.

·     Illustrate the relationship between drilling fluids hole/drilling
decisions and logging data acquisition effectiveness

·     Learn the techniques used by well site geologists in formation
evaluation program

·     Comprehend Drilling operations as it relates to Operations Geology

* *

*You Will Learn :*

Day 1

·     Introduction on Geology and Drilling

·     Geology Prospect Generation: Size, Type , Depth Structure

·     Stratigraphy Regional Geology

·     Best Practices Based on Offset Wells

·     Depositional Environments (Sedimentary Mechanisms, Impact on
Reservoir Properties & Future Field Development)

Day 2

·     Integrated Pore Pressure Prediction

·     Understanding Objective and Target Reservoir

·     Drilling Fluid Effect to Wireline Data Acquisition

·     Potential Drilling Risks and Shallow Hazards Prediction

·     Casing Design Verification and Hole Size Relationship with Operations

Day 3

·     Mudlogging Evaluation

·     Coring Program(Conventional and Sidewall Core)

·     Electric Wireline (Open and Cased Hole)

·     Well Testing Requirement (DST and Wireline Well Testing)

·     Wellsite Duty

*Who Should Attend :*

All personnel who  are  involved in Drilling Operations (including
Operations Geologists, Drilling Supervisors, and Drilling Engineers);
geoscientists, petroleum engineers, well engineers and production

*Investment Fee:*

Before Course : IDR. 15.000.000 / participant, After Course : IDR.
15.500.000 / participant (Excluded accommodation and tax)

The workshop fee includes meals (2x coffee break and lunch), training kits,
training materials, group photograph, and certificate. In order to allow
sufficient time for arranging travel and processing document, participants
are recommended to make an early enrollment.

*About Instructor :*

Made D. Sulitra graduated from Geology Department Gadjah Mada University
Yogyakarta early 1981 and joined Mud-Logging Exlog (Exploration Logging
Company), a Singapore-based Company specializing in South East Asia
drilling operations, as a Pressure Engineer. During this time, developed
best drilling practices for Baong-shale(Arun Gas Field) and
Semberah-shale(Badak Gas Field) over-pressure.

Since 1984, experiences in the oilfield cover a broad range, which includes
three Major Oil Companies (Mobil Oil Indonesia Inc., ExxonMobil Oil
Indonesia Inc., PetroChina International Jabung Ltd.) and Medium to
Marginal sizes of Oil Companies (Niko Resources, Orchard Energy, Samudra
Energy, Anchora Energy). I had worked from venture to mature field
development, with responsibilities that elevates up to general manager
positions. Technically, main expertise is in Operations Geologist,
Production Geology and Mature Field Geology under clastic and non-clastic
reservoir exercises.

Overseas assignments include Mobil Dallas Technology Center (1996-99) under
EPC Ras-Laffan Giant Gas Field in Qatar as an Operations Geologist,
ExxonMobil Exploration Company (2001-2006) Houston Texas for Gulf of
Mexico, and African Deep water wells plus Onshore US Production as latest
position as a Team Lead Operations Geologist. My current job is Ops
Geologist Advisor and I am also founder of P.T. GEOTAMA Geologist
Consultants, Company consisting experienced Indonesian wellsite geologists.

You can see the flyer of this workshop

*Register now!*

*Registration Form

For further information regarding IAGI Workshop 2013 :

Please do not hesitate to contact :
Biro Kursus IAGI : (022) 2535670 or 62 8156 200 197


*You can see the annual program 2013 by IAGI

Best Regards,

Hari Utomo

Ketua Biro Kursus IAGI


Joint Convention Medan 2013 (JCM 2013)

The 38th HAGI and 42nd IAGI Annual Convention & Exhibition

Register Now!


Visit IAGI Website:

Hubungi Kami:


Iuran tahunan Rp.250.000,- (profesional) dan Rp.100.000,- (mahasiswa)

Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:

Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta

No. Rek: 123 0085005314

Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)

Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia

No. Rekening: 255-1088580

A/n: Shinta Damayanti





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