Dengan harga 40-45 $/bbl, Arab (OPEC) sepertinya sudah merasa menang.
Saatnya mulai memainkan nada rendah, dan tempo lamban. Semua sepertinya
sedang mengamat-amati apa yang langkah-langkah dilakukan OPEC.


*Kuwait set to base 2015 budget on $40-45 oil*

By Reuters

Wednesday, 21 January 2015 4:51 PM

The fall of oil prices can't be controlled until oversupply is absorbed by
better economic growth, Kuwait's oil minister Ali al-Omair told reporters
on Wednesday.

Omair, speaking on the sidelines of an energy industry conference, did not
say when that happen. Asked whether oil prices had reached bottom, he said
he could not answer.

He also said the country's state budget for the next fiscal year starting
on April 1 was expected to be based on an everage oil price assumption of
$40 to 45.

Iraq's oil minister Adel Abdel Mehdi, also attending the conference, told
reporters that such a steep fall of oil prices after last November's OPEC
meeting wasn't expected.

"Kebanggaan sejati muncul dari kontribusi anda yang positip".


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