Dear teman2 iagi,
Teman saya anggota LSM -
 LEMBAGA ISLAM NURUL IMAN. Pada saat ini Memiliki program menyumbang air bersih 
 didaerah kab Gunung Kidul,  kecamatan Tepus dg bbrp  Desa diantaranya 
Purwodadi, Girisubo, Jepitu, Cuwelo sampe ke daerah pantai Siung.

Saat ini yg mereka lakukan adalah dengan cara mensuply air bersih dengan tanki 
air. Mereka ingin meningkatkan bantuannya dengan cara mensupply air secara 
lebih permanen dengan pembuatan Bor air atau mengalirkan air dari sungai bawah 
air (goa-air tanah) dan menyebarkannya melalui pipa ke desa2 tsb.

Mereka butuh dukungan untuk membantu mencarikan sumber air bersih nya.

Saya berpikir mungkin teman2 dari IAGI korwil Jogyakarta punya banyak informasi 
mengenai sumber air bersih yg layak pakai didaerah tersebut.

Saya mohon sekiranya ada yg bisa membantu untuk memberikan bimbingan pada 
mereka dan bisa menghubungi saya.

Terima kasih sebelumnya. 

Mari kita bantu sesama yg sedang menderita dengan cara apapun yg bisa kita 

Salam IAGI
Iwan munajat

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-----Original Message-----
From: sekretariat MGEI <>
Sender: <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2015 13:08:54 
To: <>
Cc: sekretariat MGEI<>
Subject: [iagi-net] Reminder about MGEI 7th Annual Convention

Dear Colleagues,

Hereby we send you a gently reminder of the MGEI 7th Annual Convention,
"Indonesia's Mineral and Coal Resources: Discovery to Inventory".

Agendas for this convention are:

1. Pre-convention workshop: "Resource/Potential Range Analysis", 2-3
October 2015 *(Novotel Hotel, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan)*, by Noel
Pranoto and STJ Budi Santoso

2. Convention: "Indonesia's Mineral and Coal Resources: Discovery to
Inventory" seminar, 4-5 October 2015 *(Novotel Hotel, Balikpapan, East

· Ir. Bambang Gatot Ariyono (Director General
for Mineral and Coal - Indonesian Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources)

· Keynote speaker: Centre for Geological Survey - Geological Agency
of Indonesia

· Wahyu Sunyoto (VP PT Freeport Indoensia)

· Colin Davies (VP PT J Resources Nusantara)

· Yoseph Swamidharma

· Noel Pranoto

· Peter Stocker HonFAusiMM (CP)

 And 20 invited papers about exploration and mining.

3. Post convention field trips:

- Gold Mine, 6-9 October 2015, to Seruyung (Host: PT J Resources Nusantara)

- Coal Mine, 6-8 October 2015,  to Sangatta (Host: PT Kaltim Prima Coal)

4. Post convention workshop: "Practical Analysis and Application of ASD
Spectral Data in Mineral Exploration and Mining", 12-13 October 2015
Hotel, Jakarta)*, by Rachel Harrison. *Each participant is requested to **bring
samples of his/her own rocks to the workshop with interesting alteration
minerals or Fe oxides; in the afternoons we can have practical sessions
where participants can analyse and interpret spectra from their own rocks
using the TerraSpec)*

Special prices for the currently unemployed and the newly graduated are

Flyer of the MGEI 7th Annual Convention:

Flyer of the RPRA Workshop:

Flyer of the Sangatta Field Trip:

Flyer of the Seruyung Field Trip:

Flyer of the ASD Workshop:

*For further informations, please send e-mail to the MGEI Secretariat
( <>).*


Enrico Aritonang

- MGEI Secretariat -


Visit IAGI Website:

Hubungi Kami:


Iuran tahunan Rp.250.000,- (profesional) dan Rp.100.000,- (mahasiswa)

Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:

Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta

No. Rek: 123 0085005314

Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)

Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia

No. Rekening: 255-1088580

A/n: Shinta Damayanti





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