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---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: IUGS Secretariat <secretar...@iugs.org>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 at 00:41
Subject: IUGS E-Bulletin #165
To: <secretar...@iagi.or.id>

IUGS E-Bulletin N.165 April 2020
News at a Glance
New projects to join the International Geoscience Program in 2020
IUGS-sponsored Short Course on Metallogenic Cartography
7th SGA-IUGS-SEG-UNESCO Short Course on African Metallogeny
IUGS SP498 Cretaceous Climate Events and Short-Term Sea-Level Changes
published <#m_4631207482660748804_Content04>
Heritage Stones Subcommission: extension of the activities of the IGCP-637
News from the IUGS Initiative on Forensic Geology (IFG)
New projects to join the International Geoscience Program in 2020

The International Geoscience Programme Council, during their 5th Session of
the annual Council meeting, decided to continue supporting 24 ongoing
projects and approved 18 new projects, totalling 42 active IGCP projects in
2020. Below are the details of the 18 new projects which will join the long
list of over 650 projects from 150 countries supported by the IGCP.
UNESCO is the only United Nations organization with a mandate to support
research and capacity building in geology and geophysics, and the
International Geoscience programme (IGCP) is our flagship. The IGCP has
long been globally recognized amongst geoscientists as one of the most
successful models for promoting international scientific cooperation in
geosciences sharing a global vision for research. This joint venture
created 48 years ago by UNESCO, and the International Union of Geological
Sciences (IUGS) continues to promote the sustainable use of natural
resources, advancing new initiatives related to geo-diversity, geo-heritage
and geohazards risk mitigation with the financial supports of the Jeju
Province Development Corporation and UNESCO Chinese National Commission.
The IGCP Council, supported by the Scientific Board, is responsible for
evaluating project proposals according to the IGCP Guidelines, as well as
for the quality assessment of projects in progress.
This year, the Council meeting was scheduled to meet between 13-16 March
2020, but due to COVID-19 precautions and safety measures, the evaluations
were held online through teleconferencing between 12-16 March 2020. In this
meeting, the progress of the 31 ongoing projects was assessed and 26 new
proposals - submitted as of October 2019 according to the guidelines of the
Council – were reviewed.
The details of IGCP 2020 projects and UNESCO Secretariat 2019 IGCP annual
can be accessed through UNESCO's webpage
UNESCO and IUGS would like to thank the IGCP community for their
contributions and welcome new projects.
IUGS-sponsored Short Course on Metallogenic Cartography
A short course on Metallogenic Cartography was jointly organized in
November 2019 by the International Association on the Genesis of Ore
Deposits (IAGOD), the Argentine Geological Association (AGA) and the
Geological and Mining Survey of Argentina (SEGEMAR). The short course,
sponsored by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and the
Ibero American Association of Geological and Mining Surveys (ASGMI), was
presented by a total of 12 SEGEMAR specialists and three international
IAGOD experts, and was attended by a total of 26 participants. Generous
IUGS scholarships were provided to ten PhD students from various Latin
American universities and the attendance of a further ten geologists from
the Geological Surveys of Colombia, Honduras, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil,
Portugal, Uruguay, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic was also supported
by ASGMI. All participants came away with both increased knowledge of
metallogenic cartography as well as a significant amount of information to
be used in their future research and mineral exploration activities. See
more details on the course here
IAGOD aims to organize similar modular courses in other countries and
invites host proposals. Visit the IAGOD website
for future announcements.
Fig. 1 - The enthusiastic audience during the IUGS-sponsored Short Course
on Metallogenic Cartography.
Fig. 2 - Group photo showing course participants.
Fig. 3 - IAGOD President Eduardo Zappettini engaging with course
Fig. 4 - Andreas Dietrich during his presentation on porphyry copper
7th SGA-IUGS-SEG-UNESCO Short Course on African Metallogeny
UNESCO in association with IUGS, the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral
Deposits (SGA) and the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) will organize a
short Course on African Metallogeny, in Namibia, from 23 to 27 November
The course, entitled "Energy Metals for a Sustainable Society", will
address geological, technical, and societal challenges associated with
"energy metals" that are needed for low CO2 footprint clean energy systems.
Fig. 5 - Landscape in Namibia.
The global demand for electricity is expected to grow from about 27 TWh in
2019 to about 41 TWh in 2040. Coupled with the low-carbon energy transition
this creates new opportunities for the mining industry. The renewable
energy sectors require huge amounts of metals for energy production,
transmission, and storage. "Energy metals" are also key to manufacturing
the advanced materials needed for communication products, electric
mobility, and lightweight design. As a major energy consumer, the mining
sector itself is a significant player in energy transition. The mining
industry is required to provide raw materials for energy transition and
this needs to be done in a sustainable and socially acceptable way.
In Namibia, mining accounts for 25% of the country's revenue. Namibia hosts
world-class, high-grade polymetallic deposits and stratabound
copper-silver-cobalt deposits, world-class base metal and uranium deposits
(world's 4th uranium oxide producer), and unique lithium, vanadium,
germanium, gold, REE and diamond deposits. Namibia is also processing zinc
from zinc-oxide ores.
Internationally recognized experts will give lectures, lead workshops and
field trips to bring together people from academia, industry and government.
See the leaflet here
Fig. 6 - Springboks.
IUGS SP498 Cretaceous Climate Events and Short-Term Sea-Level Changes
Sea-level constitutes a critical planetary boundary for both geological
processes and human life. This volume presents high-resolution sea-level
records from globally distributed sedimentary archives of the Cretaceous
involving a large group of scientists from the International Geoscience
Programme IGCP 609.
Complete information can be found at:
About the cover:
Cyclic marginal succession of the Orbata Formation (latest Barremian to
earliest Albian, Jebel Chemsi, central Tunisia) recording short-term
sea-level changes of the western Tethys on the northern margin of Gondwana.
Photograph by M. Wagreich (2017).
Heritage Stones Subcommission: extension of the activities of the IGCP-637
The IUGS Heritage Stones Subcommission will continue activities on the
recognition of natural stones in the context of architectural and cultural
heritage. The project: Project 637 - Heritage Stones: a step towards to
widen up the recognition of stones used in the building of heritage in
emerging countries will work on the recognition of stones with emphasis on
those from emerging countries from Africa, Middle East and South Asia.
More information on the new approved project can be found here
News from the IUGS Initiative on Forensic Geology (IFG)
IUGS Special Project
IFG is continuing the IUGS ‘Special Project' to evaluate the current global
scale of crimes that take place in the mining, minerals and metals
industry, and assess geological methodologies and strategies, which may aid
in the detection, prevention, management and mitigation of these crimes.
During 2020, this will continue as a desk study, a meeting will then be
held in South America when international travel is permitted after COVID-19.
Forensic Geology Soil Collection Training Video
In 2019, IFG supported a FBI led training video on the collection of soil
for the provision of geological trace evidence, available on YouTube at
This transcript will be translated by the IFG Committee into Arabic,
Chinese (Mandarin), Indian (Hindi), Italian, Japanese and Russian.
Forensic Geology in India
The Geological Survey of India has agreed to support the development of
Forensic Geology in India. This includes conventional forensic geology
applied to policing and law enforcement and environmental geoforensics.
IFG Web Site Upgrade
The IFG web site is in the process of being updated and upgraded. The new
web site is expected to be available later in 2020.
IUGS wishes to better co-ordinate public cation of information on *news,
events and achievements* arising from IUGS activities (*not science reports
or papers*).
All IUGS Commissions, Task Groups, Initiatives and IGCP projects are
requested to provide a steady flow of material. Contributions from Adhering
Bodies will also be welcomed.
To aid co-ordination and standardization, IUGS has introduced a preferred
format and a monthly timetable.
Format of submitted material:
Contributors should provide:
*For the E-Bulletin: * 2 or 3 sentences with between 1 and 3 illustrations
(photographs, diagrams etc.) with captions as separate .jpg, .gif or .png
files with a resolution of 150 dpi;
optimally accompanied, by:
*For the web site:*a concise text of about 0.5 to 1 A4 page (up to about
600-700 words), if possible providing a web-link (e.g. to an IUGS activity
The short text in the E-Bulletin will be hyperlinked to any longer text
which will be placed on the IUGS website. Items that are not in reasonably
good English will be returned for improvement. Others will be edited for
use of English if necessary. If proposed contributions are too long, they
will be returned for shortening. All images must, if necessary, be
copyright-cleared before submission.
Each contribution to the IUGS E-Bulletin, website and/or social media
should be marked as to which target medium or media it should be published
in. Each contribution should be sent, at the same time, to the following
silvia.peppol...@ingv.it   (E-Bulletin Editor-in-Chief)
giuseppe.dica...@ingv.it   (Webmaster)
gurmeet28...@gmail.com   (Social Media Manager)
The idealized timetable for the E-Bulletin is:
1. IUGS sends a reminder to leaders of activities in the last week of each
2. Contributions should be provided by the 16th day of that month (*items
arriving after that date cannot be included in the next monthly issue*);
3. IUGS will evaluate all submitted items in terms of urgency and will
allocate these to the next monthly issue or a later issue and will also
check that these comply with IUGS policy for publications and ethics;
4. The IUGS Team will aim to compile that month's E-Bulletin by the 25th
day of the month and send it to the IUGS Secretariat;
5. The IUGS Secretariat will dispatch the E-Bulletin to the IUGS Community
on, or before, the last day of each month;
6. Long versions of material will be posted on the IUGS Website in
coordination with the publication of the relevant E-Bulletin.
This timetable will be varied, as necessary, to allow for public holidays
that affect the E-Bulletin Team and IUGS Secretariat such as Christmas and
Chinese New Year.
If you require notices, information on publications, etc. to be considered
for inclusion in forthcoming IUGS e-bulletins, please mail to
Please check the IUGS Calendar of Events
<http://iugs.org/index.php%3Fpage%3Dcalendar> for upcoming scientific
meetings this coming month. If you require information on international
conferences, meetings, etc. to be considered for inclusion in this Calendar
please mail to:giuseppe.dica...@ingv.it
To be added to or removed from the IUGS e-bulletin distribution list,
please mailto:iugs.beij...@gmail.com or secretar...@iugs.org.
Follow the IUGS on Social Media! We are on Facebook
and Google+
Check the IUGS web site: http://www.iugs.org/

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