Lista: ibap (Fique atento: dicas no rodape!)

Parece que o problema n|o e so internacional.
Quando tentei pela primeira vez acessar a pagina do IBAP, o meu 
browser encontrou um tal "Instituto Brasileiro de Assistencia e 
Pesquisa", que usa o endereco ibap.org.  Nao sei se os colegas ja 
tinham conhecimento deste problema, mas de qualquer modo ele deve ser 
tratado juntamente com o relatado abaixo.
Sergio Ferrari

From:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:          Wed, 18 Aug 1999 22:58:49 -0300
To:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:       [IBAP] Ao Dr. Coccaro & Demais Associados - Trademark IBAP
Reply-to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Passo a bola ao Dr. Celso Coccaro, colegas do Depto. Juridico do IBAP e
associados interessados no tema.
O e-mail veio de [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Dear Web master,

        It is with great concern I write this e-mail to you. It was brought
to my attention that you are using the trademark "IBAP" and "IBAP.ORG". As
it has been known that I too are using this trademark "IBAP". The only same
different is that mine is register under the trademark title "IBAP.COM".
        Your organization is concern with political unjust and mine is
aspiring to be an internationally recognize corporation. It is very uneasy
to know that the trademark "IBAP" is being use to incite political awareness.
When its intention when it was conceive was only to help the international
community through commerce. The two ideologies are different as days and
nights. Your ideology does not have any bearing on the ideology of this
corporation and will never have bearing on this corporation. This
corporation can not stand and condone its trademark to be use in any other
ways beside the one that it was intended to. It is that we ask you to please
resolve this matter to the liking of both parties.
        ibap.com's advisor

1- Dúvidas e instruções diversas procure por Listas em:
2- Pegasus Virtual Office

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