Well said Paul.


On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 21:20:19 -0500, Paul Barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know of a site with a detailed comparision, and if you find one,
> let me know.  But I can tell you this difference boils down to this;
> iBATIS maps Java Objects to the results of SQL Queries, whereas
> Hibernate maps Java Objects directly to database tables, traditional
> Object-Relational Mapping.  The benefits of Hibernate are that it
> automatically generates all the SQL for your and the cache invalidation
> can be more fine grained.  iBATIS is more flexible especially if you are
> a strong SQL query writer.  You have control over exactly how the SQL
> queries are written.
> When determining which framework to use, I think one thing to remember
> is that there is an optimal relational model to support every object
> model.  There is not an optimal object model to represent every
> relational model.  Use hibernate if you have mostly standard
> queries(CRUD, Find by Criteria, etc.) and if you are designing your
> object model first, then a relational model to support the object model.
>   If you are working with a legacy system or a schema designed by a DBA,
> iBATIS often makes a better choice.  If you try to shoehorn hibernate
> into a relational model created by a DBA who could care less about
> objects and thinks in terms of tables, columns, relationships and record
> sets, then you will get along better with your DBA if you use iBATIS,
> especially if the model is complex and may entail queries with outer
> joins and nested subqueries.  You can tell them "All of the SQL
> statements used by my application are stored in these XML files outside
> of my Java code, so you can easily review them".  DBAs like that.  Of
> course, you might be lucky enough to work with a DBA that is familar
> with OO design and ORM tools like hibernate, in which case hibernate
> might make a better choice.
> Bottom line, in my experience, compared to Hibernate, iBATIS is more
> flexible, has a shorter learning curve, but can take more time to
> develop and maintain, since you have to write all your queries and if
> your object model changes you have to go through all your queries and
> make sure to make all the necessary changes to reflect the changes in
> your object model.  I must admint though that I am biased because I have
> more experience with iBATIS.  As I gain more experience with Hibernate,
> I could be singing a different tune.
> Tim Christopher wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Can anyone point me in the right direction of a site that compares
> > iBATIS to similar products, ie. Hibernate.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Tim Christopher
> >
> > Ps. Is it possible to specifiy a flush interval in a unit other than
> > hours?  Also is there an upper limit for the time?

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