WOW!  I did a horrible job of that orriginal email.  :-)  Everyone is confused.  Here's some clarification.

The four gents that I mentioned in the original email have already made it.  Basically I defaulted them onto the list because they were obvious choices.  The committers are also already chosen.  They were contributors years ago and have worked their way into committer status with fantastic contributions to the project.

Now what we're looking for is anyone who we missed.  This will be a regular activity from now on.  We want to make sure that we recognize individuals for their contributions on an ongoing basis. 

Open source is driven by excellent communities.  So congrats to everyone who've made it so far.  

Sorry for all of the confusion, I hope this clears it up.


On 5/10/05, Clinton Begin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

The new website includes a "Contributors" section that recognizes individuals in our iBATIS community that contribute to the project in particularly helpful ways.  This includes providing documentation (sometimes language translations), FAQ entries and other Wiki contributions, answering to the Mailing Lists and even submitting good JIRA issues (new features or bugs).

So far we have:

Kris Jenkins - For his amazing Oracle experience that he shares on the lists regularly.

Nathan Maves - For adding to (and fixing) the FAQ, aasking great questions in the past, and eventually answering questions on the mailing lists.

Fabrizio Gianneschi - For speaking at Java User Groups in Italy, performing case studies and writing Italian documentation.

Ron Grabowski - For being a helpful and very active member of the mailing list and submitting useful issues and feature requests regularly.

If you'd like to vote someone else in, let us know (privately, or publicly).  There's no minimum number of votes required, one really good vote will do.

Don't vote for yourself though, that's lame.  ;-)   (Unless you feel we really did miss you for doing something spectacular, in which case we're sorry, and let us know.)


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