I want to retrieve the values from a table where 1 column is of type Blob.
My Bean to store these values has a field of type java.sql.Blob and the
appropriate getters and setters.
My resultmap looks like this:
<sqlMap namespace="Bookmark">
<typeAlias alias="bookmark" type="com.vub.bookmarked.domain.Bookmark"/>
<resultMap id="bookmarkResult" class="bookmark">
<result property="bookmarkId" column="bookmark_id"/>
<result property="folderId" column="folder_id"/>
<result property="url" column="url"/>
<result property="bookmarkname" column="bookmarkname"/>
<result property="cache" column="cache"/>
When my webapplication actually needs this data, I get following exception:
Cause: com.ibatis.dao.client.DaoException: Failed to queryForList - id
[getBookmarkListByParentId], parameterObject [71]. Cause:
com.ibatis.common.jdbc.exception.NestedSQLException: --- The error occurred
in com/vub/bookmarked/persistence/sqlmapdao/sql/Bookmark.xml. --- The error
occurred while applying a result map. --- Check the Bookmark.bookmarkResult.
--- Check the result mapping for the 'cache' property. --- Cause:
com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapException: No type handler could be found to
map the property 'cache' to the column 'cache'. One or both of the types, or
the combination of types is not supported.
Isn't type Blob supported in iBatis? I have the latest version.