Hello everybody,

I am pretty new to iBATIS, but already love it! I have couple of questions:

1. I am developing a client app which will be using iBatis. On the
first run I want to create tables in a db if they are not there yet.
Can I use iBatis for that? If yes how? Basically I need to send a
bunch of "create table ..." in one transaction. Currently I get
connection manually from jdbc and then create stmt and create all
those tables. I would prefer to do it via iBatis the same way I query
or update it. Another related problem is that i was trying to obtain
connection from iBatis using this code:

      SqlMapClient map ....

      Connection connection = map.getCurrentConnection();

but it fails on the first sql, some noninformant jdbc exception saying
that transaction is aborted without any clue why. I use postgress db.

2. How do I pass connection properties, i.e. user, password, in
runtime. I mean I don't want it to be hardcoded in xml config.

Dmitry Skavish

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