On Sat, 26 Mar 2011, Toralf Förster wrote:
> Beginning with kernel 2.6.38 (might be .37 too) I observed, that the fan 
> speed 
> is often much higher than before. I'm wonder why b/c the temperatures itself 
> seems to be not so high. With this alias :
> tfoerste@n22 ~ $ alias temp
> alias temp='cat /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal /proc/acpi/ibm/fan | sed 
> '\''s/-128/./g'\'''
> I got within few seconds :
> tfoerste@n22 ~ $ temp
> temperatures:   49 41 35 . 28 . 28 . 39 45 44 . . . . .
> status:         enabled
> speed:          2931
> level:          auto
> and :
> tfoerste@n22 ~ $ temp
> temperatures:   49 42 35 . 28 . 28 . 39 45 44 . . . . .
> status:         enabled
> speed:          1846
> level:          auto
> Do I miss omething ?

Run thinkpad-acpi with fan_control=0 (i.e. disable fan control), and check
if it gets back to normal.  If it does, I will help you track down whatever
in userspace is playing havok with your fan.

What thinkpad is this?  Looks like an IBM or early Lenovo one, when they
still had thermal sensors (or didn't hide them, whatever)...   ACPI should
not be able to mess with the fan speed on those, unless it is done through

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