On Mon, 09 May 2011, Andrew Lutomirski wrote:
> I read some more of the spec.  It looks like the EC sends query 43
> when the mute status changes.
> The problem is that _Q43 just calls _UCMS, which issues an SMI but
> does nothing else.  So we don't get notified.  And unless we change
> acpi_ec_sync_query to allow more than one handler for the same query,
> we can't even get notified without breaking _Q43.  So we're screwed.

We can

1) attach to _Q43 directly (must be whitelist-based using a quirk list),


2) ask Lenovo for _Q43 to call the HKEY notifier chain, which should
still be possible for the 2011 boxes, and with some luck, the 2010 boxes
as well.

I will only do (2) after we went through some testing with your patch.

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