We have begun setting up a new customer's LPARs, etc, and since we're
bringing them into our sysplex I'm integrating their WLM specs into our
existing one.

I activated it last week on the customer system.  To my surprise, started
tasks all seemed to go to the default STC service class.  This sems to be
happening across the board.  I activated the same policy on our sandbox
LPAR and everything seemed to go to the right place.

They were at OS/390 2.10, and were in Goal Mode, but the systems we're
building here are z/OS 1.4.  I asked the sysprogs if the software levels
are identical to our existing ones yet , and was told not completely, but
that still doesn't seem to click with me.  This is (I think) fairly basic.
This customer does EVERYTHING with automation but I can't see that entering
into it either.

A 'D WLM' command on their system shows a functionality level of 008, while
we are at 011.  And when I flip them to our policy, the 011 shows up as

Anyone have any ideas?  Never saw this before.

Dave Thorn
Senior Technology Analyst
SunGard eSourcing
600 Laurel Oak Road
Voorhees, NJ 08043
Office  856-566-5412
Fax      856-566-3656
Cell      609-781-0353
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