On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 08:05:01PM +0200, Ulrich Boche ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Logon reconnect doesn't usually work if you're connected with TCP/IP and 
> TN3270.

That's just a bug that IBM can't be bothered fixing.  There are closed
APARs on this topic telling you to use some IBM session manager
product to cirvumvent the problem.  (Refer to the comments in the 
"bank" thread about managers intentionally allowing or causing
problems so they can sell you another product.)

Most of our work is done off site, accessing the systems via DSL.
There generally are not MVS techies at the office location, especially
off-hours.  I.e., nobody to call to ask for a session to be cancelled.
Due to a flaky DSL at the previous office location that constantly
caused us to lose connections, I wrote a little exec that we use by
logging on to another id (everybody here has CONSOLE authority and at
least 3 TSO ids) which given the userid with a broken connection,
issues a V NET,INACT,F,ID=termid , waits 2 seconds, then
V NET,ACT,ID=termid .  LOGON RECONNECT then will work.

I believe that the IBM bug is that TCPIP doesn't notify VTAM (or
TCAS?) that a connection has been lost.  In any case, there's a 100%
probability that the bug is in IBM TCPIP -- proven by my workaround.
I have a vague recollection that this used to work back in the late
1980s with MVS TCPIP for MVS V1 and V2.


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