On Wed, 6 Jul 2005 13:23:13 -0400, Kirk Talman wrote:

>7/6/2005 11:32 AM Tom Schmidt wrote
>>There is a more fundamental issue here: VSAM keeps its statistics records
>>in KEY 8 storage in the address space's private area, ...  Those
>>statistics records can, and often are in the case of a storage overlay,
>>subject to corruption and/or destruction because of that inherent lack of
>>VSAM (and other access methods perhaps) needs to have a protected area for
>>such apparently customer-important data as statistics.  ...
>>The problem with using interval accounting to try to anticipate the ABENDs
>1) One can always do one's own interval accounting by opening and closing
>the file periodically.

One can, true enough, but at a rather high cost in performance.  Still, if
you are picky about the stats this is one way to roll your own.

>2) In a prior life about a decade ago I remember that the control block
>containing at least some of the statistics was in CSA, where it was much
>less likely to be overlaid.  With a CSA overlay the devil jumps much
>faster and higher and sooner and is easily detected.

CSA overlays are still a little too common, although far less so than in
my 'youth'.  As for "easily detected" - ha!!

>It may be that that control block was only in CSA when shroptns=3, which
>we used -- an option sane people don't use.  The control block was small
>and could be easily be put in CSA always with minimal cost in these days
>of ubiquitous VSCR.

Not really such a minimal cost if one considers the tens of thousands of
VSAM files open at any arbitrary point in time in larger shops.

>3) Don't "eyecatchers" act as effective canaries to know when an overlay
>has occurred?  I know we used them extensively in the prior life to know
>when we were wounded but not yet informed thereof.

No.  Overlays can come in very small packages -- a single bit overlay is
extraordinarily difficult to detect, especially with an eyecatcher canary.
But a single bit overlay can cause big issues if, say, the bit is nearer
the left than the right in any given byte (or word).

>4) There has been much discussion of the desirability of "bad" statistics.
>If I am using "bad" statistics for billing, I can use reasonability checks
>to determine if the basis of the bill is bogus and eat the cost rather
>than offend the client.

Or in the case of a large basis bill to flag the bill for manual post
processing perhaps?

>If I am decisioning with possibly "bad" statistics, I can adjust my
>algorithm to be tolerant.  When I was trained as a physicist, accomodating
>error was a standard part of any measurement process.  The conclusion can
>often be made using "bad" data, even if an automaton is doing the work.
>The first paper in Physical Review Letters (~1964 Penzias & Wilson) on the
>"big bang theory" showed a graph with very large error on the
>measurements.  But in that case merely the order of magnitude of the data
>points allowed a conclusion to be drawn.  Or as one could hear said in the
>60's (when the first dinosaur ...) It doesn't take a weatherman to know
>which the wind is blowing.

...which WAY the wind is blowing.  (Unless you were trying to imply
no 'way' in your original sentence?)

Tom Schmidt
Madison, WI

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