> FTPing report files that must put a hurtin on the Network and 
> that data is it really secure on that open systems
Er... not since the days of dial-up. Report files are how big?

Ethernet supports at least 100 Megabits/sec. That's conservatively
several MiB/Sec sustained data rate and you can get Gigabit if you
pony up the right gear. I almost never see less than several hundred
KiB/Sec between the office and home over VPN over 5 megabit road
runner. This stuff just screams along most days.

Raw SMF can be "big" FSVO big, but even that isn't going to put much
of a hurt on the network for more than a few minutes a day. Did you
ever NOT download a PDF or other big file inside your network because
you thought it might be too big? Nah, me either. I just let 'er rip.

As for security, if its inside your intranet its no less secure than
everything else in there. Most businesses don't give it a moment's
thought to move data around the intranet and access it wherever they
need it. Why should this be any different? Its not as if a few MXG
reports are going to give the security guys fits either.


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