In a message dated 7/19/2005 7:29:34 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

When  will a STAE retry routine issue an abend?


You have to write your own STAE, ESTAE, or ESTAEX routine.  If you  choose to 
put an ABEND macro inside that routine, then your STAE routine will  issue 
the ABEND wherever you put it.  If you don't put an ABEND macro in  the 
it will not issue the ABEND, in which case normal IBM code will  sooner or 
later ABEND the program.
But you asked about a STAE retry routine.  The purpose of a retry  routine is 
to keep executing even though the program has done something illegal  which 
would ultimately result in an ABEND and termination of your program, in  which 
case your STAE retry routine would not be issuing an ABEND.   When your 
program has finished doing whatever is necessary to do in the retry  situation, 
you can choose to issue an ABEND macro or you can return to the  normal 
return point in the Initiator/Terminator's code and tell MVS that  everything 
normally (as in loading R15 with 0).  It's your retry  routine.  You write it 
to do whatever you want.  One thing you could  do in the retry routine is 
continue executing normally just as if nothing bad  had ever happened.
Bill Fairchild

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