How does anything in that story apply uniquely to zSeries?  Outsourcing to 
India (and elsewhere) is, if anything, more prevalent off zSeries than on. 
 UNIX?  The overall UNIX market is in decline, and UNIX outsources as well 
as anything.

"Tyler" ought to make sure that he knows WebSphere, Linux, Java, workflow 
(WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation and WBI Modeler, as 
examples), and ESB concepts (MQ, Message Broker, Web Services Gateway, 
etc.) among other things.  He should help his employer make those 
technologies available on zSeries to his constituents -- and that those 
facilities are approachable and accessible by all who need to solve 
business problems.  Note that implies at least some knowledge of solving 
business problems.  If Tyler can't understand how his IT skills support 
business objectives, he does have a problem.

Somehow businesses got rid of those punched cards and teletypes a few 
years ago and replaced them with those newfangled 3270 terminals.  IBM 
mainframes have had Web servers and Web interfaces since 1991.  The first 
Web server outside Europe was installed on a mainframe, at Stanford.  So 
how about if Tyler stops worrying about the few fossils acting like 
fossils -- which exist in any organization.  Tyler should have plenty of 
work to do getting Web interfaces deployed.  There's this newfangled 
software called HATS, and it runs under WebSphere....

Repeating myself here, but he (or she?) has skills on a (the?) growth 
platform in a world crying out for solutions that don't break and which 
protect personal information.  So I'd advise Tyler to learn a foreign 
language -- that's sage advice no matter what the career path -- and enjoy 
the ride.

- - - - -
Timothy F. Sipples
Consulting Software Architect, Enterprise Transformation
IBM Americas zSeries Software
NEW Phone: +1 312 529 1612 (effective 1 September 2005)
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (PGP key available.)

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