John, if you want to really understand SOAP you need to look at the
information on the W3C web site (  You will find more
information about SOAP there than you probably want to read.  But, of course
it is not slanted toward using SOAP on z/OS, or any specific platform.
There are also lots of books available on the subject if you don't like
reading the specs.

You need a SOAP server to understand requests sent by a SOAP client program.
The SOAP server receives the requests (usually via HTTP) and executes the
requested program, passing the supplied input data.  The output of the
program is formatted back into a SOAP response envelop and returned to the
requesting client.  

As far as I know, the z/OS HTTPD does not handle SOAP requests.  If it does,
I am sure someone will chime in and correct me.  So, I don't know of any
_FREE_ (as in beer) SOAP implementations for z/OS.  There are however, a
number of solutions available that run on z/OS.  I wrote one (our z/XML-Host
product) that could be used to SOAP enable the ISPF RACF panels to do what
you want.  But obviously it goes for more than the price of beer.

There are many ways your requirement could be handled, like writing a JAVA
or VB program that would automatically FTP a batch job to JES that would
define the RACF user id.  Using SOAP does make the interface more standard
and therefore writing the client program side perhaps easier, but it's not
the only way to skin the cat if you must use a _FREE_ (as in beer) solution.

Chuck Arney
illustro Systems International, LLC
Access 3270 data from anywhere with z/XML-Host
Access 3270 apps from the web with z/Web-Host
Access CMS minidisks from OS/390 or VSE with CMSACCess
Voice: 972-296-6166

> -----Original Message-----
> Anyway, it appears that this is not really what is desired. What is
> wanted is a way for the Windows program (?) to do a SOAP request to the
> z/OS system and get a response back. I don't know SOAP. I cannot find
> any reference to SOAP in the "z/OS: HTTP Server Planning, Installing,
> and Using" manual. I'll bet it is not supported.
> Anybody know a good reference web site for doing SOAP stuff via a Web
> Server? Anybody know a __FREE__ (as in beer) z/OS Web server which will
> do SOAP? Or anything else which is __FREE__ (as in beer) which can
> process SOAP requests (can SOAP even require RACF authenication?)
> A pointer to a "SOAP for Ignorant z/OS Sysprogs" would be nice as well.
> Please remember that any solution must be __FREE__ (as in beer).

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