I was responding only to the idea that CICS was introduced on the S/390.

As for the idea that CICS was the first centralized security system, that is 
obviously absurd.

It can be argued that with its internal security features, CICS provided the 
first "secure" transaction processing environment.  However, that is a very 
different animal from a centralized security system.

Clearly, the gentleman is unaware of the history of mainframe security and 
transaction processing systems.

He likely believes that Bill Gates conceived the idea for the first computer, 
wrote the first operating system, and that Al Gore invented the internet.

John P Baker
Software Engineer

> Actually, CICS was available for OS/360.
> John P Baker
> Software Engineer
> "the first centralized security system, Customer Information 
> Control System (CICS), was introduced on the S/390."
> This is news to me.  I always thought CICS was an online 
> transaction system which was introduced on the S/370 or even 
> earlier.  JC, feel free to chime in.

I don't recall that CICS was ever offered as a "centralized security
system", though it did provide its own internal "security" via the CICS
sign-on table.

For a fairly complete history of CICS development from inception to present
day, surf to <http://www.yelavich.com> and cruise the "history" links.


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