Mark Vollmer wrote on 09/09/2005 10:21:16 AM:

> The rexx say command is actually writing to the screen display buffer?
> Since there seems to be a Say: Procedure, this would imply that you are
> not using the default rexx say command.  Would you please clarify?
> I'll look up NOTE in the IPCS manuals to see what it says.

REXX SAY will directly employ line mode I/O to write its messages.  The
IPCS NOTE subcommand passed messages through  IPCS message routing and
trapping, so the display of the report can take place - slightly deferred -
in full screen mode during the IPCS dialog.  It can also result in routing
the report to the IPCSPRNT ddname if you're running your exec in batch.
NOTE is likely to be a better tool to use in your IPCS REXX execs than SAY
with the possible exception of telling you about never should happen
situations that may surface.
> Are the display results page fwd and back like normal formatting routine
> examples, or will it behave differently?

If you're running the exec from the IPCS dialog, SAY will surprise ISPF by
injecting line mode output into the dialog.  It will be presented
screen-by-screen with three asterisks at the bottom of each.  Only forward
scrolling ever takes place.

> If we name the rexx exec myrexxcbf as an example, how would you
> configure BLSCUSER to contain this definition (similar to what Bob
> Wright showed earlier)?  Or would you put a defn there at all?

There is no way currently supported by IPCS to treat a command procedure as
an alternative to a model or formatter when the subcommand that you use is
CBFORMAT.  You directly invoke command procedures via the EXEC command or
via implicit EXEC processing.  The advantage of the present situation is
that you can pass unique parameters to your exec to identify what you want
formatted, and that's also the bad news.  There is no guaranteed
consistency about what you need to enter along with the name of the exec to
get it to run properly.

> How would you invoke this from the IPCS browse using a CBF command?

See above.  You can't get there from here.

> Since its a rexx command, I am not aware that you can add it to a
> steplib (or similar library) unless you compile the rexx to an object.
> Are we required to compile this rexx, or is there a way to invoke it
> from rexx libraries?

You can place the REXX source in a library accessed via ddnames SYSPROC or
SYSEXEC, and you may use ALTLIB to access special libraries, e.g. just when
the IPCS dialog is active.

Warning:  IPCS uses a separate TSO I/O service routine "environment" for
each logical screen from which you're using the IPCS dialog.  You need to
tell each by passing an ALTLIB command to IPCS.  That tends to be too
complicated for most of us who simply use CONCATD to make certain that
ddnames SYSPROC or SYSEXEC access the command procedures that we need
whenever we need them.

Another warning:  REXX execs stored as load modules and invoked via
implicit EXEC notation look like TSO commands to IPCS and will be invoked
as such.  IPCS thinks you're invoking TSO commands to do basic utility
functions, and no IPCS services are made available to them.  If you intend
to compile your REXX execs, it is advisable to store them in one of the
other formats available.

Bob Wright - z/OS MVS Service Aids

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