Terry, At the moment DA JOB STC TSU with SYSNAME DEST OWNER and PREFX all set to * show five thousand, five hundred and fifty one (5,551) ASIDs in LPARS SYSA, SYSC, SYSD, SYSE. SYSF, SYSH, SYSI, SYSJ, SYSK, and SYSI on our main SYSPLEX. About 400 are CICS regions, 300 TSO, 3300 batch, etc. The other two SYSPLEXes are a bit smaller. I notice that when I run SYSNAME through the list of LPARS and then * the figures do change some. So if I am logged on to SYSJ and CPU at 100% there may be (Much) more horsepower available but WRM will not allow SYSJ to use it. The % is of the cap not the total available. What about the CPU% col?
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