Rather than posting the same thing to the CICS, IMS and DB2 lists I'm
just posting here.

After doing some research today I'd like to make the following

●       This is the TSO attach module
●       DSNHLI is an alias for this module

●       This is the DB2 CICS attach module
●       DSNCLI is an alias for this module
●       DSNHLI is an alias for this module

●       This is the DB2 IMS attach module (among other things!)
●       DSNHLI is an alias for this module
●       DFHEI1 (the CICS stub) is an alias for this module
●       DFHEI01 (an alternate CICS stub?) is an alias for this module
●       CBLTDLI, AIBTDLI and other DLI entry points are aliases for this

Are these assertions true?  Does the above mean that we can always link
with SDFSRESL, both in batch and in CICS, to resolve DSNHLI (DB2),

CAF throws a small wrinkle in it:

●       This is the DB2 CAF attach moodule
●       DSNHLI2 is an alias for this module
●       This module also has a DSNHLI entry point

According to this web page
http://www.idug.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0411A&L=db2-l&P=40916 I believe
I am able to do the following:
//LINKALI  JOB NOTIFY=&SYSUID                                  
//LINKALI  EXEC PGM=IEWL,                                      
//SYSPRINT  DD  SYSOUT=*                                       
//SYSUT1    DD                                                 
//SYSLMOD   DD  DISP=OLD,DSN=NEW.LOAD                     
//SYSLIN    DD  *                                              
  INCLUDE DSNLOAD(DSNAA)                                       
  INCLUDE DSNLOAD(DSNALI)                                      
  MODE AMODE(31)                                               
  ENTRY DSNALI                                                 
  ALIAS DSNHLI                                                 
  NAME DSNALI(R)                                               

This copies DSNALI from SDSNLOAD into NEW.LOAD and creates the DSNHLI
alias for it (rather than DSNHLI being an alias for the TSO attach
module, DSNELI).  If I include NEW.LOAD in my load module concatenation
I am able to use CAF even without specifying the ATTACH(CAF) DB2
precompile option.  This I have confirmed with Cobol programs compiled
with the DYNAM option.  Should work for NODYNAM as well, but I haven't
tested it.

My test CICS region is broken (security is hosed!) so I can't test my
theory about at the moment.  Plus it hasn't been configured yet for DB2
attach.  Anyway, I am hopeful, but I'd welcome any thoughts.  

My goals are:
1) to make link-editing simple by (I hope) including one set of SYSLIB
libraries for all of my Cobol compiles (batch, batch with IMS, batch
with DB2, batch with IMS and DB2, CICS, CICS with IMS, CICS with DB2,
CICS with IMS and DB2).
2) to make "batch" load modules that contain IMS and/or DB2 calls
callable both in batch and in CICS.

Here is the SYSLIB concatenation:
SYSLIB concatenation libraries for link-edit step
●       Local application load libraries
●       SCEELKED
●       CSSLIB (can't remember why!)
●       SDFSRESL
●       SDFHLOAD (not needed?!)
●       SDSNLOAD (not needed?!)
●       SEZATCP

This I think should (might?) work for batch programs compiled DYNAM and
CICS programs compiled NODYNAM.  Might work for batch programs compiled
NODYNAM as well...?

By the by, I added CSSLIB some time ago, but I can't for the life of me
remember why.  Any idea?



Frank Swarbrick
Applications Architect - Mainframe Applications Development
FirstBank Data Corporation - Lakewood, CO  USA
P: 303-235-1403


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