
Thank you for your kind words. The reason we used WebEx is so that the foils can be presented along with the audio. We're currently unaware of a technology that would be able to do this in an AVI or MPEG format. WebEx does have MAC OSX, Linux, and Sun clients, so we could look into providing those formats.

The floating mike is difficult because the mike has to be jacked in to the computer recording the session (the speaker's laptop). We could possibly get a two-channel mixer, but then SHARE's cost to provide the Webcast goes through the roof (you would not believe the cost of a one-day rental for a two-channel mixer in a convention hotel). We will reinforce to each speaker that they must repeat questions for the WebEx webcast. If you listen to my Rexx session, I did just that.

With regards to future pricing, we are looking to keep it affordable. If you have numbers in mind, please let us know (offline).

Tom Conley

----- Original Message ----- From: "Farley, Peter x23353" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: FREE SHARE webcast sessions

Awesome!  Yes, I personally would LOVE to see more sessions recorded.
Budgets being what they are (i.e., tight as a drumhead), it is nonetheless
entirely possible to justify a nominal cost for access to the recorded
sessions by spreading it over many developers, thus providing quality
education for many more people than could possibly attend the RL sessions.


A request for future recordings:  Provide a floating microphone (bluetooth
technology would help here) to record audience questions.  In the first one
I listened to, you could hear the speaker quite clearly, but the questions
were pretty much inaudible.  Alternatively, request that speakers repeat the
audience question(s) before providing answers, where a floating mike or two
or three are not feasible (as for large-room sessions with many attendees).

And PLEASE keep the pricing low enough to encourage wide usage -- volume
participation should be the goal, not high-margin cost recovery.

Once again, Bravo!



P.S. -- Ed G.'s complaint about Windows-only availability is a valid point,
perhaps they could be provided in Mac and/or Linux compatible formats in
addition.  I suppose the WebEX folk would have to address that issue, but if
they can't, conversion to AVI or MPEG format wouldn't hurt, for those with
non-M$ equipment.  It's worth investigating, to keep the audience as wide as

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