An original tape in RMM looks like this.

Record format . . . . : U
Block size  . . . . . : 32760
Logical record length : 0
Block count . . . . . : 8871
Total block count . . : 8002

After using tapecopy the output tape looks like this.

Record format . . . . : U
Block size  . . . . . : 32760
Logical record length : 0
Block count . . . . . : 8871
Total block count . . : 8871

When we called OpenTech they stated that it was an issue with RMM.  It
does appear that the tape copied ok, but I was wondering if anybody had an
explanation for the difference in Total Block Count and Block Count on the
original tape?

I suspect it has something to do with the recfm of u.

I doubt it has anything to do with RECFM=U. U says that block lengths are undefined, and implies that every logical record is exactly 1 block long. The fields you quoted are from a RMM dataset display, not a tape volume display. According to the RMM help, "block count" is the number of blocks in this dataset, on this tape volume. "Total Block Count" is the total data block in the dataset up through this volume (including all blocks on previous tape volumes in a multi-volume dataset). for a single volume dataset the two counts should be the same.

There doesn't seem to be any legitimate way for the total block count to be less than the block count, except through some problem in RMM. It is also possible tha someone manually updated the RMM statistics for this dataset, but didn[t update both count fields.

I searched IBMLINK for "rmm total block count" and I see a few APARs where the total block count was incorrect, but none of them seem to match your situation.

In any case, OpenTech copied all 8871 blocks and the stats of the otuput tape seem to be right.

Bruce A. Black
Senior Software Developer for FDR
Innovation Data Processing 973-890-7300
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