You can try another approach by specifying CSVDYNEX interface to call
a dynamic ICHRIX01 exit. Of course you will need an IPL, but after that
the dynamic exit could be activated/deactivated/changed in flight.

You have to create a static ICHRIX01 exit, loaded at IPL time, which can
have a logic like this :

Query DYN.ICHRIX01                               
IF NOT Defined OR Only Defined IMPLICIT Then 
  Define DYN.ICHRIX01                            
CALL DYN.ICHRIX01                                
IF Exit Module is ACTIVE Then 
  EXIT MODULE executes and Returns           

Additionally you have to define it in SYS1.PARMLIB :

 EXIT ADD                      

The DYNRIX01 will have the logic that normally would be coded in
and can be located in linklist.         

Atenciosamente / Regards / Saludos 

Ituriel do Nascimento Neto 
Banco Bradesco S/A 
4254 - DPCD Engenharia de Software 
Sistemas Operacionais Mainframes 
Tel: +55 11 4197-2021 R: 22021   Fax: +55 11 4197-2814 


|-----Mensagem original-----
|De: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
|[] Em nome de Beesley, Paul
|Enviada em: segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2009 11:06
|Assunto: Re: Missing RACF exit
|Thanks Rob.
|Turned out to be fairly easy. Dynamically loaded the module 
|into MLPA, wrote a quick program to zap the address into the 
|correct slot in the RCVT
|Thanks for your help 
|-----Original Message-----
|From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
|[] On Behalf Of Rob Scott
|Sent: 07 December 2009 10:12
|Subject: Re: Missing RACF exit
|As far as I am aware, if the exit pointer in the RCVT is 
|non-zero then RACF will invoke the exit. About 15 years ago I 
|knocked up a quick+dirty program to dynamically add a RACF 
|exit and it seemed to work OK. 
|I have not seen RACFXITS - however the logic I used was 
|something along the lines of :
|(o) Determine length of RACF exit
|(o) Grab that amount of E-CSA and assign ownership to the 
|system (ie I want it to persist)
|(o) Directed load of the exit module into the E-CSA chunk
|(o) Store the E-CSA address into the RCVT (remembering to 
|indicate AMODE
|in bit0)   
|These days you have things like dynamic LPA - so you might be 
|able to avoid most of the heavy lifting and just "zap" in the 
|new exit address. 
|Rob Scott
|Rocket Software
|275 Grove Street * Newton, MA 02466-2272 * USA
|Tel: +1.617.614.2305
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