
The next meeting of the GSE Enterprise Security Working group will take
place on Thursday 4th February at the Logicalis Office in Central London.

The address for the venue is:-

2nd Floor 
18 King William Street

Please find below the agenda for the day.

Would you reply to this e-mail if you would like to attend.




09:00   09:30   Arrive at meeting & coffee

09:30   10:00   Introduction & GSE Working Group Business:
    ·       Membership
    ·       Annual Conference
    ·       Future Venues
    ·       Future Topics

10:00   11:00   CICS Security Expanded
    Following on from her well received session at the GSE conference, Julie
will delve deeper into some of the areas of CICS security that caused most
    Julie-Ann Williams  (Millenia)

11:00   11:15   Coffee

11:15   12:30   Time for a spring clean of your RACF database?
    This session will provide you with practical hints and tips on cleaning
up your RACF database and how to keep it clean.
    Rob van Hoboken (IBM)

12:30   13:30   Lunch

13:30   14:00   RACF Authorisation Checking ­ The Jigsaw Puzzle
    This is an interactive session to refresh or even test your knowledge.

14:00   15:00   z/OS Unix Security
    This session contains the following highlights:-
        §  Describe best practices for UID and GID definition
        §  Understand what superuser means in the z/OS implementation and
how to minimise its use
        §  Implement control of z/OS Unix logical resources
        §  Explain why unowned files and directories are to be avoided
        §  Discuss extended ACLs pitfalls
    Paul Arnerich (TSD UK)

15:00   15:15   Coffee

15:15   16:15   TBC

16:15   16:30   Round Up & Finish

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