In a message dated 10/2/2005 1:57:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

>how many people know where the spring '68 SHARE meeting was  held?
I do for one.  Headquarters hotel was the Shamrock Hilton in  downtown 
>How many attended?
I did, for one.
>Did you get to have a tour of the local large  installation?
Yes.  I think it was on Friday, which is typically a slow day at  SHARE.  A 
large bunch of us SHARE attendees were bused to the Manned  Spacecraft Center 
near Houston, where we saw a roomful of IBM 360/75s churning  out work and 
crunching numbers, all paid for by FEDS (also known as NASA)  under the Project 
Apollo program which was implementing the following  statement by the then late 
President JFK:  “I  believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the 
goal, before this  decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning 
him safely to  Earth.  ... in a very real sense,  it will not be one man going 
the moon ... it will be an entire nation.” [25  MAY 1961; speech to a special 
joint session of Congress]
This  project paid for a large number of full-time IBM programmers under 
their  Federal Systems Division who were working at this facility near Houston, 
among  whom were the two original developers of HASP, Tom Simpson and Bob  
Crabtree.  HASP evolved into JES2, recently discussed in another  thread.
I  don't think it is conspiratorial if you try accurately to predict the 
national  economy 6 to 12 months into the future.  I think it is better 
to  as realism.  If your predictions happen to be based on real facts  that are 
unknown to or disbelieved by the masses, then so be  it.
Real  fact:  almost all large American businesses are now the recipients  of 
large funding by various U.S. government programs as well as supported  
indirectly by special tax breaks.  I have no knowledge that IBM is  receiving 
special treatment in this regard, but they have had a large  Federal Systems 
Division for many decades that does work under contracts that  are publicly and 
competitively bid on, just as many other large companies  do.
I  have read alternative news items discussing the [conspiratorial] idea that 
the  U.S. Federal Reserve System is intervening to support the U.S. stock 
markets,  but I have never read anything that claims the U.S. is supporting IBM 
disproportionally more than it supports all other big businesses, either  
directly through contracted work or indirectly through tax breaks or possible  
stock market manipulation.
Competitively  achieved contract awards are publicly documented (I think in 
Commerce  Business Daily).  Tax breaks are publicly documented in the 
Congressional  Record.  Stock market manipulation is a matter of  opinion.
Bill  Fairchild

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