W dniu 2010-02-19 17:34, Darth Keller pisze:
Yes, I need all my applications to be available too and by separating them
into more than one catalog I decrease the likelyhood that 1 broken catalog
impacts all applications.
My point is that if I have my applications separated into different
catalogs and 1 catalog is broken only that application suffers as opposed
to the original configuration where all the applications are in 1 catalog.
In my configuration, only the applications in that catalog are unavailable
during the recovery, all the other applications are still available and
Well, you *think* you decrease likelyhood by increasing number of ucats
or separating UCAT applications. To decrease the likelyhood you should
take care about the UCAT, how hey are used, no matter how much of them
do you have. Note: I mean *applications*. You mentioned TSO - I also
keep those aliases separate (for several reasons). I also "dedicate"
UCATs which are shared across sysplexes. However I see no *RAS* reason
to keep the applications in separate UCATs. There can be other reasons,
i.e. grouping datasets with UCATs to make physical copies easier - I
mean clones like PPRC, SRDF, FLASHCOPY, TIMEFINDER, etc. If you need to
clone only one of the applications then it's easier to have separate
UCAT for it. If you worry about UCAT integrity/availability - then you
should check your application. Application (I mean business application)
should use catalogs in other way than regular dataset operations like
allocation, deletion, open, close, etc.
Radoslaw Skorupka
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