In <>, on 03/01/2010
   at 11:35 AM, Paul Gilmartin <> said:

>I deem it a design flaw that the case conversion is performed before the
>TSO escape is recognized, rather than after.

I would see it as a hideous design decision to make upper casing decisions
based on parsing the command line. Either upper case the whole thing or
let the code in the command decide.

>Isn't this handled by the input routine, not by code in the various 

Do you consider options in the panel definition to be code? The input
routines do what the panel definitions say to do.

>This design choice should be considered Overcome by Events,

No, as you note below. Upper casing the input in a field that allows TSO
commands was never a sound design decision.

>PMR, anyone?  (Expect WAD!)


In <>, on 03/01/2010
   at 08:36 PM, Paul Gilmartin <> said:

>And here, I'd like someone to confirm or refute my conjecture that 'TSO'
>is detected and handled by the input processor, not by the code specific
>to the panel.

Neither, or "E. All of the above." The panel determines the CAPS option
and the input routine behaves in accodance with it. The panel defines the
command line, the[1] command table defines "TSO" and ISPF looks up the
command in the table.

>That is, does each panel supporting the 'TSO'
>command need to contain logic such as:
>        WHEN COMMAND=='TSO' then <issue TSO command string>;


>or does it happen automatically?

Well, as automatically as UP and DOWN.

>If the 'TSO' command is processed by the input routine and not by the
>individual panel code, it would be

Poor design. The solution to a problem should take into account the
potential existance of similar problems.

>I see 'TSO' as an accommodation to the fundamental limition of ISPF.  In
>Windows, it's easy enough to open a command window (or several) while
>editing a file

What is "START 6", chopped liver? Admittedly that's new, but it's been
there longer than some of the readers here.

>If ISPF had this facility,

It does.

>there'd be little point in being able to issue a
>TSO command from its command line.

No, there'd still be a point to it; TSO foo is a lot quicker than either
starting an option 6 panel or opening a windoze command window. I use the
TSO command and the TSPF equivalent a lot more than I do START 6 for one
off commands.

[1] Well, the relevant command table.

In <>, on 03/01/2010
   at 08:55 PM, Paul Gilmartin <> said:

>Wouldn't it be great to have an ISPF successor that used a
>web browser as a display server, supporting scrolling input
>fields, etc.?

Worked real well for IBMLink, didn't it? I'd rather see them enhance the
existing WSA and integration tools to provide for:

 1. Long entry fields for file transfers
 2. Workstation file dialogs for file transfers, e.g., the Browse
    option in Firefox File -> Save as
 3. Cut and paste for the WSA window
    a. Single field
    b. Multiple field (block)
    c. Multiple field (stream)
 4. Long entry field for both host and worksataion commands
 5. Workstation file dialogs for BROWSE/EDIT/VIEW
 6. Workstation directories in ISPF 3.4

>Wouldn't it be great to have an ISPF successor that used a
>web browser as a display server, 

Only if nightmares are great.

>supporting scrolling input fields, etc.?

I'd much rather see them use, e.g., QT4, and avoid all the ills that web
browsers are heir to.

>Sure, the design target of ISPF was 3270, but most programmers have
>better display facilities on their desktops nowadays.

I've never had trouble doing a cut/copy from or a paste to a 3270 window;
I have had trouble with browser windows.

In <>, on 03/03/2010
   at 09:21 AM, Paul Gilmartin <> said:

>Recognize, of course, that OS/360 was one of the earliest systems to
>perpetrate this behavior,

No, because earlier systems used 6-bit characters for which there was no
lower case.

     Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
     ISO position; see <> 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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