goal-based initiator mngmnt 




When to Continue Using JES-managed Job Classes

When the depth of the job class queue is unrelated to the 
number of initiators servicing the queue, either a discretionary 
goal or JES-managed initiators should be used. 
If velocity goals or response time goals are used in cases 
where a very large number of jobs are released simultaneously,
WLM's algorithms will project little incremental value in 
reallocating resources to help the work and the work may be 
delayed as a result. In cases where the batch jobs are the 
only work running, excess CPU and storage resource will still 
be used to support initiators. See "Critical Path Batch"  
for other considerations.

Of course the next logical question is: how large is 'a large 
number'? There is no specific magic number, no threshhold, no 
rule of thumb. Go back instead to the first sentence; the trouble 
is not from 'large' numbers of jobs, but from divorcing queue 
delay from the number of initiators. If the initiation approach 
for a workload amounts to dumping in a whole bunch of work and 
letting MVS sort through it all using the available capacity, 
that is not something whose initiation is managable via a response 
time goal or velocity goal; use a discretionary goal, possibly with a
resource group minimum, or use JES-managed initiators to initiate it.


Critical Path Batch

WLM batch management is not intended to replace job scheduling packages. 
It does not provide deadline management, critical path analysis, job 
dependency scheduling, et cetera. Jobs that must be guaranteed immediate 
initiation once released should be run using JES-managed initiators.   


Is this saying that 

1- When the major work is heavy BATCH runs, using WLM INIT would result 
   in higher use of CPU/STG, but only if VEL/RESP goals are used?

2- If too many jobs are released at once, use DISC goal, or use JES INIT?


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