Not convinced this a true statment. Back in the late 1970s and early 1980s with MVS, it was wired it into homegrown TSO commands and worked well. Then with some new release it became authorized. I had Bill Godfrey (TSSO fame and TSO GURU) under Contract working for the Air Force in the Pentagon and he heard our moans. Bill headed off into the load module and determined IBM was doing a GETMAIN for some very small number of bytes (4 I think) from a Subpool which needed you to be authorized. No one ever determined why they decided to do it. So the fix for our TSO commands was to go back into a SVS system and get its IEBCOPY which did not need authorization and called it XEBCOPY for use with the TSO commands. We ran that for years and may even still be around.
Wasn't there something about a new I/O appendage about that time? Something that might have required authorization?


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