Tim Hare on IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu> wrote on
05/24/2010 10:03:56 AM:
> I would like to assign a sequence number to the input of ICETOOL,
> with a limit
> on the maximum number - so for example, the number would increment from 1

> to 6, then start at 1 again.
> Can I combine the seqnum and MOD operations to do it in one pass, or do I

> need to add sequence numbers, create a work dataset, then apply the MOD
> operation?


>I would like to assign a sequence number to the input of ICETOOL,

For which ICETOOL operator?

It's not clear to me exactly what you want to do.  Can you please show an
example of your input records (relevant fields only) and what you expect
for output. Explain the "rules" for getting from input to output.  Give
the RECFM and LRECL of the input file.  Give the starting position, length
and format of the relevant fields.

Frank Yaeger - DFSORT Development Team (IBM) - yae...@us.ibm.com
Specialties: JOINKEYS, FINDREP, WHEN=GROUP, ICETOOL, Symbols, Migration

 => DFSORT/MVS is on the Web at http://www.ibm.com/storage/dfsort/

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