Geoff Davis wrote:

>Many years ago, when last working on Z, I was shown how to search
OPERLOG from SDSF by simply typing ??????  (I fogot!) from the LOG screen. 
This brought up a panel similar to RMF reports whereby you could set start 
date/start time end date/end time and it would display only messages 
between these values.

LOCATE command. Not a panel, but it brings you to a specific place.

But I think you are probably confusing that panel with the PRINT panel which 
shows you the fields for begin/end lines as well as date/time start and end.

>It's getting a little tedious searching through millions of messages when I can
only F7 or F8 (or 'f xxxxxx prev') 9999 lines at a time.

Go green, conserve your PF7 / PF8 keys!  ;-D

Use FINDLIM 9999999

>Thx for any/all info and sorry it's such a basic question,

It is not a basic question! ;-D

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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