I am currently z/os v1r11 and having some trouble with ZFS files. During the 
IPL several of the ZFS files receive message: IOEZ00078E zFS aggregate 
OMVS.SBBN7HFS exceeds 95% full.... I have been able to expand several of the 
files using  the zfsadm grow command.  When I tried expanding this file I 
received the message that if would go over the 4gb limit. This file is not 
under SMS control. How would I go about defining a extended format zfs file and 
move this information over. I have had trouble defining ZFS files without using 
the ISHELL dialogs. The OMVS.ROOT file is larger then 4gb and I really don't 
see any definition difference. All these files were created during the SERVPAC 
installation. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank You


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