W dniu 2010-07-22 20:56, Elardus Engelbrecht pisze:
john gilmore wrote:
Why not PROP instead?
You are a good PROPonent to PROPerly PROPose a good name change! ;-D
but one standard term that was accurate and innocuous would certainly be
What standards? There are a lot of gripes on this very list about the big blue's
products name changes...
From ADSM to TSM
RACF to Security Server
MVS/XA - MVS/ESA - OS/390 - z/OS
etc... (can't remember now what ... )
Thanks CICS and DB2 are still the same... ;-D
Oh yes! Ten years after I AGAIN have CICS 4.1
Ooops! It's CICS TS 4.1, not CICS 4.1
What is CICS TS? Mayb some add-on tool like CICS IA, or CICS TG? <vbg>
Of cours it's still better than PROCESSOR. Almost nobody can properly
distinguish CEC and CPC - that's OK. But people used to say PROCESSOR
for CEC, sometime they say "this processor has 4 processors".
Maybe this is the reason why some non-mainframe co-workers name it
"CocaCola vending machine". Size and colour are similar. <g>
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland
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NIP: 526-021-50-88
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podwyszeniu do kwoty 123.763.528 z. Akcje w podwyszonym kapitale zakadowym
BRE Banku SA bd w caoci opacone.
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