I recently posted this information in the comp.lang.rexx Usenet group, but thought there might be some in IBM-MAIN would also be interested. Please feel free to pass this along if there are any other places you think this should be distributed.
* * * * * After a "many-year hiatus", IBM has expressed a wiliness to accept and process SHARE requirements against REXX. Currently, there are less than 10 SHARE members "registered" to participate in the REXX SHARE requirement process. Therefore, if you are a SHARE member (work for a SHARE member organization) and wish to submit and/or vote on REXX-related requirements, please go the SHARE requirements online page at: http://www.share.org/Members/RequirementsIndustryInfluence/tabid/80/Default. aspx and either register for the system AND the REXX project (if you are not currently participating in the requirement system for another project) or simply ADD the REXX project if you already participate in another project's requirement process. Remember, all requirement processing is now done "online" so you do not need to attend (frequent) SHARE meetings to participate (but, of course, we do encourage you to do so). If you have any questions on this process, please contact the SHARE headquarters (or me off-list). If you are an IBM customer but NOT a member of SHARE and you are interested in REXX or any other SHARE activity, please consider joining. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@bama.ua.edu with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html