My client had a situation last week where a script was executing a DB2 stored procedure to load some data into a QA data base. The program abended at each invocation and it had 5000 loads to do. It looked like recursive abends at the time (we found out later it was a script doing 5000 loads).
For some reason the WLM controlled DB2 stored procedure PROC had SYSMDUMP DD SYSOUT=* coded and the spool started to fill up. Operations couldn't get the stored procedure ASID stopped nor cancel it. DB2 support couldn't either even after shutting down DB2. Eventually the ASID was forced and the output purged but not until after the spool hit 100% which caused some other problems during the period the spool was 100% full. For postmortem action items, I want the SYSMDUMP DDs removed or not to point to sysout. But I was wondering if there was any reason I am not thinking of that the DAE SYSMDUMP setting can't be changed to suppress duplicates like SVCDUMP? If no good reason, I wonder why is that not the done in the IBM supplied member (ok, I know IBM has a history of bad defaults, but this is a parmlib setting, not a default)? Regards, Mark -- Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS Mark's MVS Utilities: Systems Programming expert at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at