We are in the process of migrating a smallish system from one location
to another.  The plan is to dump all the dasd to tape at the original
location, ship the tapes to the new location, and restore the tapes to
new dasd.

The hardware at the new location is similar but not identical to the
hardware at the old location.  Therefore we are creating a new IODF
and IOCP deck on a different system to use at the new location.

I am thinking we are going to have a problem with the esoterics.  The
system does not use tokens for their esoterics.  So I am thinking that
we have to define the esoterics in the same order they were defined at
the original location.  But how do we find that out?  The HCD report
that was sent to us lists the esoterics in alphabetical order.

To refresh my memory, I think this is how esoterics work.  If tokens
are not used then the order that the esoterics are defined is important.
The catalog for a dataset cataloged with an esoteric unit type gets
the sequence number of the particular esoteric in the list of
esoterics.  If tokens are used, then the token for an esoteric is a
unique number that is stuffed into the catalog instead.

The advantage using tokens is that you can delete an esoteric and
not have the values of other esoterics possibly change?

Is that right? What happens if you delete an esoteric with a token and
that token is set in a catalog entry somewhere?  Also, isn't there some
kind of conversion job to convert catalog entries from sequence numbers
to token numbers? Or was it a report job that listed catalog entries
that were cataloged using esoterics?

It's been so long ago that I last dealt with this stuff.  But I don't
want the system at the new location trying to mount tapes on dasd
devices ... and vice versa!!

Finally, a last question.  If we substantially use the same device
numbers, can we bring up the new system using the old system's IODF?
The new system's IOCDS will be built with the new IOCP deck, so
there may be mismatches on some chpids and control unit types
between the IODF and the IOCDS.  How much does MVS care what is
correct in the IODF?  After the initial IPL we can of course correct
the IODF and get everything into sync.

Thanks, Greg

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