It's authorized because of how it is defined on disk.  How it behaves when 
running determines whether or not it truly needs to be authorized to accomplish 
what it is attempting to do.

IEFBR14 could be linkedited as AC(1) into an authorized library.  That 
particular instantiation of IEFBR14 would then be authorized.

Bill Fairchild
Rocket Software

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: Where is APF documented?

On Thu, 2010-09-09 at 09:07 -0500, McKown, John wrote:

> <quote>
> The authorized program facility (APF) allows your installation to
> identify system or user programs that can use sensitive system
> functions. To be APF-authorized, programs must reside in
> APF-authorized libraries, and be link-edited with authorization code
> AC=1. The system maintains a list of APF-authorized libraries that
> contains the following information for each library: 
> </quote>
> The first sentence pretty much says it all.

Hmmm - somebody mentioned details ...
I'm sure some fella that used to answer to the moniker Craddock is about
to come crashing in to this discussion.

Is a program authorised because of how it's defined (on disk), or how
it's defined when running ?. Details, details ...

Shane ...

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