>Is anyone using this and if so, have you seen any downside?

Certainly. Allowing z/OS to alter any structure at will can cause loss of 
signalling paths, for instance. Which health checker will dutifully report as 
exception. A lot later.

XES decided that my signalling structures are too big (when I shut down one 
system), so it started rearranging entries and elements. Then the system 
came back into the plex, and now the number of paths was insufficient to 
provide full signalling connectivity. It still had connectivity, but not full 
connectivity. At the time, I reported that to IBM, and they fobbed me off 
saying that my structures weren't allocated according to the cfsizer. That was 
due to the fact that the cfsizer was already migrated to a higher cflevel 
requiring *a lot* more storage, which we were not using yet. The structures 
were most certainly sized correctly according to our cflevel (as indicated by 
the IPL messages from the prior IPL). So IBM refused to even look at the bug 
(and I still consider this a bug). 

I have since coded an explicit allowautoalt(NO) on all signalling structures or 
rather, on all list structures.

Also, I have heard (not my experience directly) that the autoalter algorithm 
kicks in directly after an application is taken down (in that case it was an 
structure with that MQ being taken down). It could not be restarted because 
XES had changed the structure (autoaltered) in such a way as to prevent that 
MQS from starting.

These days, I consider allowautoalter a dangerous parm with unpredictable 

Best regards, Barbara

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