<snip> Now, next question: Can I do similar for reader files? <snip>
To display your reader use CP QUERY RDR There are MANY variations of the CP QUERY READER, you may want to issue HELP CP QUERY, then press PF11 (Related), find READER, put your cursor on it and press PF1. A simple form is: CP QUERY RDR ALL ISO This can be issued from a PIPE by using: PIPE CP QUERY RDR ALL ISO | DROP 1 | sort ... | stage | stage ..... Note: The DROP 1 will remove the header from the display. Try this just for a test, it will just run the CP command through the pipe, then dump the results on the console. PIPE CP QUERY RDR ALL ISO | CONSOLE PIPE CP QUERY RDR ALL ISO | DROP 1 | SORT 39.19 D | CONSOLE If this gives you too much display, enter HT when you get a MORE screen and press ENTER. This will stop the display. Larry ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@bama.ua.edu with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html